“If you were trying to get my attention, all you’d have to do is exist.”

The voice flowed like honey, low enough that the music and conversation around us should have made me frown and either ignore it or grunt, ‘I’m sorry, what?’

But there was a heat behind the words, an authority in the voice that made my skin ripple with goosebumps.

An allure that made everything else go quiet.

Well, almost everything.

A heat I hadn’t felt in months shot to that hungry, needy place between my thighs.

Enough awkward silence had passed since the stranger’s statement that I had no choice but to acknowledge him. To look at him. I almost didn’t want to. With my luck, I’d glance over my shoulder and come face to face with a man blessed with the sexiest voice I’d ever heard...and the most unfortunate face I’d ever seen.

He took all of the guesswork out of the equation, easing into the space beside me. The hand that was gripping my drink rattled because he was definitely invading my personal space—and I liked it.

I twisted my head to the left, deciding to just roll with it. Worst case scenario, a guy who was so not my type was hitting on me. I’d smile, then send him on his way.

Luckily for me, fate finally decided to throw me a curve ball that I wanted to catch.

Taking in the stranger, I gulped down the rest of my cherry a little too vigorously and started coughing, the maraschino flavoring filling my mouth and burning my throat. Tears pricked my eyes as I tried to gather myself, pouring salt in the wound because I didn’t want to take my eyes off him.

Even blurred, he was hands down the hottest man I’d ever seen. I’m not talking the kinda hot that makes you blush and stammer a little. I’m talking, ‘there’s no way you’re real and talking to me because you’re like, movie star sexy’ hot.

He towered above me, but the look in his eyes brought me in close and made the rest of the world fall away. His eyes were the kind of beautiful that made me want to repeat the cheesy line that had been used on Tamara. Eyes weren’t supposed to be that beautiful in real life. They weren’t supposed to strip you down. Make you want to apologize for inconveniencing them by wearing clothes at all.

Blushing so hard that I was thankful for the dim light, I moved on to what should have been un-arousing territory. Instead, his golden brown locks made me lick my lips. I generally didn’t like the shaggy, surfer look, but he made me a believer. I wanted to run my fingers through those strands

. Feel his body pressed against my body.

I was staring at him, but I couldn’t help myself. Not when my eyes swept over his face. Every angle was right where it was supposed to be and when he smiled, clearly used to being gaped at and loving every minute, his dimples winked at me. A shadow of stubble sprinkled his strong jawline, but it didn’t make him look unkempt or out of sorts since his delicious, athletic body was wrapped in a suit and tie. It made him look dangerous.

Like a spy. Or an assassin.

A man who was the best kind of trouble.

“Happy to see the admiration is mutual,” he teased.

His voice was just the right amount of husky to keep my mind in the gutter. Wondering what was tucked behind the fly of his pants. If it would hurt a little when he thrust it inside me.

I blinked, heat scalding my cheeks. Who was he? I’d never had such a visceral reaction to a guy before. I could count the number of boyfriends I’d had in my 23 years on this Earth on one hand and the falling process had been a logical one.



Good major, with prospects for the future?

Of course.

Gets along with my friends and tolerates my high maintenance parents?


It all seemed so technical in the wake of this man. Like my process was equivalent to picking a dependable car instead of a partner.

If Scott was a car, he’d be a Prius. Practical. Fuel efficient.

This man...he’d be a Alfa Romeo. Sleek. Edgy. Sexy as hell.