While they all chatted excitedly as Cherri finished getting us set up, I turned toward the long, dark corridor that stretched into the unknown. The music seemed to lure me, beckoning, the beat beneath something hypnotic that made me think of glow sticks and sweaty bodies gyrating. There was something intoxicating in the singer’s voice.

I don't know if it was the fact that the dim lights masked me, or that they were pumping some sort of euphoric drug that mixed with the smoke that hung in the air, but the nerves in my stomach relaxed.

Maybe this won't be so bad, I thought, biting my lip. Maybe it'll even be-

The group hustled past me, nearly knocking me over like it was Black Friday and they'd be damned if they weren't leaving with that marked down flat screen TV.

“Meet back up at 1am at the door!” Victoria called back to me.

Any hope that I was feeling shriveled up and died as I watched them strut towards the music, leaving me to wonder what the hell I was doing. I leaned up against the lockers, the exit much closer than whatever lied beyond the smoke. I could go get the drink that I couldn't drink here and pop back up five minutes to 1, acting like I'd found someone that whisked me away for hours.

Just as I was about to make a break for it, I turned toward the door and forgot how to move. I forgot how to breathe.

I'd heard of love at first sight. Where you see the guy and you just know—he's going to change your life.

This was different.

Our eyes met and this was a different L word: lust.

It was more than the fact that he was impossibly hot. Clothes were meant to cover your body, to accentuate. On him, clothes were just a distraction. I wanted to rip them to shreds to get to what was beneath. I wanted to sweep my hands over his broad shoulders, run down the length of his tight abs as buttons flew all over the place. I needed to tear off his belt, praying that he went commando because I wanted nothing in the way between his cock and my hands. Nothing between his cock and my mouth.

He took a step forward and the light danced across his face. The ache between my thighs became a throb that pulsed in time to the music. Even at a distance, I made out the chiseled features; the strong jaw, hell, even his nose was sexy. His lips made me mentally grab onto something because when he smiled, I knew that I would do just about anything to see it again.

He hadn't even uttered a word and already I was scrambling to find something, anything to say because he was coming right at me with a look on his face that told me I wasn't the only one under some spell.

The panic that rose in my throat set fire to my vocal chords. One word, and I was toast. He’d see that I was awkward and not worth the trouble.

This is a sex club. He doesn't know you...or how awkward you are. How you still hurt every time you see something that reminds you of your ex. The whole point of these places is a fantasy. Within these doors, you can be whoever you want to be.

He stopped a few feet shy of me. Close enough that his scent, something bright and warm with an edge of mystery floated over me like a breeze. Perfect timing—just as beads of perspiration were dangerously close to giving me away.

His eyes contrasted beautifully with his dark hair, a deep green that made me think of some lush and exotic jungle. His smile was even more devastating up close.

I was suddenly glad that I'd borrowed one of Victoria's skintight dresses because his eyes swept over me in a single, satisfied glance.

“Hi,” he breathed.

I melted inside, but I forced the nerves away, commanding my gaze to stay level with his and give nothing away. I wanted to say something clever, do something that he wasn't expecting.

So I made the next move, drawing so close to him that my breasts brushed against his chest. I perked on my toes, lips fluttering as I brushed the line of his jaw. I lingered, just in case this blew up in my face and this moment was all I got.

His nearness alone was intoxicating. What would tasting him do to me?

I licked my lips and the words that came out of my mouth were a sultry challenge that I hoped he’d accept.

“Hi yourself.”

I spun on my heels and strutted in the opposite direction, hoping that the warmth of his gaze, following my departure intently, wasn't just wishful thinking.

Chapter Two: Xander

I came to the Red Door Club with one goal in mind: to blow off some steam. To escape.

To fuck.

In the boardroom, I'm ruthless. Don't believe the hallmark card, motivational poster bullshit. It's not about feelings. It's not personal.

I'm the CEO of Wade Enterprises, an investment firm. I take ideas and turn them into lucrative ventures. I round up failing businesses, liquidate them, and transform them into something bigger and better.