Page 14 of Because You Want Me

I glanced around us, all the candles burning suddenly making me sweat in a significantly unsexy way. I didn't need a mirror to know that the little makeup I'd thrown on this morning had melted off my face, my braid hung limp, the whole right side of my hair giving up altogether, and just spilling down my back. My white blouse was wrinkled, the cotton stuck to my sticky skin. The only thing that looked appropriate for this expensive last minute date were my pants.

Going to his office was already like some alien world, being here just reminded me of how we lived in different worlds.

“Yes,” I said finally, unbraiding the rest of my hair. I twisted it into a bun, wrapping a hair tie around the mess. “It's too much.” When his jaw tightened, I was the one that reached for his hand, wanting to explain myself. “Don't get me wrong, it's pretty much the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.” My words got stuck in my throat. I told him I was overwhelmed, that I wanted to escape, and he hadn't batted an eye before he scooped me up on his white horse and saved the day. “You're pretty much the best f-”

His finger pressed against my lips. Who knew that being shushed could be so hot? Every part of my body snapped to life, my eyes lost in his as he inched closer to me, his finger teasing downward until it rested on my bottom lip.

“I have some new rules to add to the list. No more fake boyfriend/girlfriend talk. Or how this isn't real.” He brought his other hand to my face, holding me steady with his touch and his gaze. “You're mine, and I'm yours.”

I drew my hands up, resting my palms against his chest. If I was smart, I'd push him backwards and tell him to take me back to the city. Instead, I gripped the front of his shirt and yanked him forward. I locked my arms around his waist, my face nuzzled against him. I uttered a word of surrender. “Okay.”

I didn't let myself think about what I'd lose when the month was up or how I would reconcile taking a check from him when this arrangement ended. I just let him hold me. I savored the care I felt when he reared back slightly and tucked my hair behind my ears and sealed my fate with a kiss.

He guided me toward the French doors, a table a few inches from the ground topped with wine, glasses, and an assortment of fruit and cheeses that looked similar to the spread we'd left untouched back in his office. The patio looked out on the property, rows of oak trees stretching out before us, nestled among the golden hills.

I whipped back to face him, ready to admit that this was fantastic and I was grateful—and I saw the same look I'd seen when we first met. His eyes were ravenous, downright sinful...and my body responded in kind. The warmth begun between my thighs and radiated outward. This wasn't just the sun on my back, a flicker of lust. I was on fire for him, all the reservations, and rule number one was called into question.

“No sex.” It came out hoarsely. There was no bite in the words, because my eyes focused on his mouth and I longed for a different kind of bite—his teeth, wrapped around the nipples that strained against my bra.

He advanced, his gaze nailing me to the ground. I saw the untamed lust in his gaze and I decided that I wouldn't run. I wanted him to eat me alive. Or at least eat...certain parts of me.

Heat stormed my cheeks, the thoughts running rampant in my head unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. I was used to losing myself in the moment, but I wanted to feel everything with Xander. I wanted to savor every second.

Faint music purred from the dining room and-

Dining room.

I blinked, the world coming back to focus. We were on the patio, in full view of God knows who, and I was two seconds away from tearing off my blouse.

He was still advancing, the look in his eyes making the heat in my cheeks intensify and the wetness between my thighs was rebelling against my sense of public decency.

He backed me up against the railing and I held out a hand to keep him at a distance. “What do you think you're doing?”

“I'm going to lay you down on that cushion, spread your legs apart, and bury my mouth inside you.”

My mouth hung open in a mixture of shock and arousal. “You..but...the rule...”

His smile deepened mischievously. “I know you're used to being in charge and enforcing rules, but some rules are meant to be-” He reached out and gripped my belt, jerking it loose. “Tested.”

My head spun as I tried to muster the energy to push him back, but I had none left. The desire that had been edging up on my sense of self preservation all day hushed everything but his touch. “Xander...”

He held steady, fingers wrapped around the button, eyes capturing mine. “Say it again.”

I frowned, then gasped when he slipped the button through the hole. He was doing exactly what he said he would.

Taking off my pants and then he'd—

I melted into his embrace. I didn't care who saw, I didn't care about anything except his body and my body.

I'd never wanted anything as badly as I wanted him.

“Say my name again.”

I drew a shuddering breath and his need, my need, filled my lungs. I licked my lips, trembling as I felt his eyes follow my tongue's path, then he leaned in and retraced my steps with his own.


I moaned his name with abandon and threw my arms around his neck, tugging at tuffs of his hair as he tore down my pants. My panties were next and I scrambled to discard them, the cotton thing flung to the side.