Page 11 of Because You Want Me

“Can you come to my office? I'll text you the address.”

My phone hummed against my cheek and I glanced at the screen, the address for Wade Enterprises flashing and disappearing, kind of like the pain that flooded my body. All he did was answer and text me and already, I felt like I could breathe again. I felt like it would be okay.

“And just so we're clear, I know this...arrangement is complicated and we're still getting to know each other, but there's one thing I know for certain. The connection I felt when I saw your number light up my screen-” He paused, and I wondered what he was going to say before his pride or fears pulled him back from the edge. “It's real, Penny.”

“I'll map it and see you in a few,” I blurted, keeping the warm and fuzzies at bay. I ended the call and stuffed my phone back in my purse, leaning up against the side of the building.

I thought no sex would make this less complicated, but there was something happening here that was even more dangerous.

I was falling for him.

Chapter Six: Xander

My assistant looked at me like I'd lost my mind. It was a rare occurrence, when her tight, all business features went slack and I'd see beyond the assistant who ran a tight ship and kept my staff on their toes—and the fierce woman who kept me on mine.

“You want me to clear your schedule for the rest of the day?”

I dropped my cell on top of a stack of paperwork I needed to get through and raised my eye to her. “That's right. I can double up tomorrow-”

“Oh, I have no doubt that you can handle the work, Xander. It's the why that concerns me.”

She was the only one on my staff who addressed me by my first name...and she was the only one that called me on my BS when the scale tipped from 'driven' to 'tyrant'. She was an invaluable part of my team, a job position that I'd filled with leggy recent college graduates until I started mixing business with pleasure and writing checks to keep the peace when I had to let them go because of incompetence. A good lawyer could have argued abuse of power and at worst, sexual harassment. I got tired of non disclosure agreements and tense conversations with the legal department, so I decided to look outside the box. Mrs. Caitlyn Bridges took absolutely zero shit from anyone. The day of her interview she walked in, looked me square in the eye and told me that I might as well send the other applicants home, because I was going to offer her the job.

At 5'2, fifty one years old, and a petite frame that she hid behind boxy pant suits, horn rimmed glasses and a glare that would make most men shy from her gaze, I was instantly intrigued by her confidence. She'd gotten a hold of my daily agenda and had meticulously gotten me from A to B with my sanity intact while allowing me to connect with my team, a vital piece that had been lacking.

Five years and counting and she was more than just the executive assistant to the CEO. She was like a second mother to me. A confidante. I hadn't yet confided in her about Penny, though. I'd chalked it up to a busy morning, though I'd canceled all the meetings for the girlfriend interviews. That had earned me a raised brow from Caitlyn, but she didn't push. It wasn't her style to play detective, but she had no qualms about speaking up if she had concerns.

Her heels tapped on the floor as she walked to my desk. She pulled her blazer down efficiently and crossed her arms in front of her. “Just to recap, you asked me to cancel the round of prospective partners I'd found to fit your father's decree.” She spat out the word. There was no love lost between my father and Caitlyn. They'd only met once at a benefit dinner a couple of years ago.

My father had long been a figurehead of sorts at Wade Enterprises, but even figureheads need to make an appearance from time to time. When he walked to the microphone, cane clicking in time with his shoes, and essentially took credit for the company's gains, she'd refused to shake his hand when he walked off the stage to raucous applause. When he'd asked me to fire her and I refused, he'd railed on about it for weeks before my mother finally interceded and stroked his ego. Caitlyn just continued to do her job, stating that her work would speak louder than any amount of ass kissing.

She stood looking at me with a mixture of worry and skepticism and repeated herself. “You’re not looking for a girlfriend anymore.”

I dipped my head in acknowledgment. “That's correct. I've made other arrangements.” I cringed, hating how business-like that sounded. Penny wasn't an arrangement. This thing we were doing was business, but she was something more...and the slight smile on Caitlyn's face told me that she knew that. “She's actually the reason I'm clearing out my day.” I adjusted my tie, trying to pretend that this conversation was no different from any other. “Her name is Penny. She's a teacher. And she's...” I left the rest unfinished, but my mind filled in the blanks. Beautiful—I took a mental picture of her last night with the wind whipping her locks across her face. The way I fell into her eyes and it felt so effortless being with her. Sexy—in the most primal, breathless way. Our bodies called to each other. And I wasn't too proud to admit that no sex rule or not, I was looking forward to finding out just how firm that rule was. Kind—I'd avoided all family functions I had no interest in since I hit eighteen. My mother still tugged at my heart strings and while I hated the way she put my father first at her own detriment, I made sure my schedule was bare bones on her birthday. My sister and my father fell to the wayside. I had no interest in pretending or opening myself up for disappointment. Yet that's what Penny did. She put herself and her needs second, sacrificing her happiness to appease her sister and parents. There was a kindness that radiated from her. A gentleness that they took for granted.

“She's headed to the office,” I finished. “I want to make her feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible.”

“Say no more,” Caitlyn had her marching orders and sprung into action. “I'll take care of the meetings and get some refreshments sent up to...?”

“My office,” I answered, a little more eagerly than I intended.

“Of course,” she answered smoothly, headed toward the exit. “Just buzz me if you need anything else.”

I thanked her and waited until the door clicked closed before I swiveled to the floor to ceiling window, the San Francisco skyline humming with life and energy and promise. The excitement that stirred inside me was something I usually saved for new acquisitions or profit statements with more zeroes tacked on the end than expected. This was different.

I couldn't sit still. I wanted to do a lap around the room. Should I get flowers? She’d had a hard day.

Just as long as you remember that this is temporary. Friendship is fine, caring for her is safe, and sleeping with her has become your only fantasy. But once you turn down the other road, with roses and promises and butterflies in your gut, there's no going back.

Business mode was the only thing that could pull me back. I rose to my feet, my environment making the transition a smooth one. Corner office on the 26th floor, walls filled with framed articles about the companies I saved and turned into powerhouses when everyone else was ready to liquidate. No family photos, no knick knacks that reminded me of home and comfort. This office was a monument to hard work and tenacity. I could have easily had the conference room set up for us, but I wanted her to see me in my element. A capable, powerful man that took care of the things that he was passionate about. And she was on that list, and deserved to be taken care of.

The culinary staff downstairs brought up a spread fit for royalty, a board filled with all kinds of exotic cheeses and fresh fruit and hearty meat. Wine and water rounded out the table, two porcelain plates and wine glasses waiting to be used.

I spent my minutes looking through my paperwork and forcing myself to not check the phone. She'd been in a rush to get off after all, I doubted she'd be texting to shoot the shit, and these moments gave me the opportunity to temper my enthusiasm. I couldn't stop smiling, achingly excited for a chance to see her again—but I reminded myself she was coming because she was in crisis and hurting.

What was it about this woman that spoke to me so profoundly? I wanted to do more than just heal her past hurts, I wanted to help her see how beautiful she was. How my world was brighter with her in it.

Two knocks sounded at the door, a familiar tap followed by Caitlyn's voice it creaked open and she walked in.