“Yes, this is Myla Rose.” Cash wraps an arm around me. “Darlin’, this is my idiot brother, Jake, and his much better half, Paige.”
I finally look up, steeling myself for whatever may come. However, nothing could have prepared me for what came next. Instead of judgey looks and nasty glares, Paige draws me into a tight hug. “It is so nice to meet you, Myla Rose. We’ve heard only good things.”
“Sure enough, Cash never shuts up about you,” Jake adds, and I can hear the smile in his voice. “Also, guess I need to apologize for the texts you saw. That wasn’t me at my best.”
“Nowhere near your best,” Paige adds.
It would be so easy to stay mad, but if Cash is gonna be in my life the way I hope he is, then I need to be able to forgive and forget. Deep down, I know he meant no harm.
Stepping back from Paige’s embrace, I address him. “It’s already forgotten, and I’m really glad to meet y’all both. And your boys—they’re absolutely precious.”
Paige beams and asks me if I know what I’m having. She and I fall into easy conversation while Cash and Jake head out back to get the twins.
I’m not sure how long Paige and I have been in the living room chatting, but I adore her. She’s everything right and good in this world, and despite our gaping age difference, I can easily see us grabbing lunch and whatnot.
“Honey, you ready?” Jake calls as he, Cash, and the twins file into the room.
“MOM!” Preston and Lucas yell as they both rush over to Paige, wrapping their tiny arms around her.
“Hey, sweet peas, I missed y’all.” I can hear her love for them, and it really hits it home the fact that this’ll soon be me, telling my boy sweet things.
“We missed you too, Mom, but Princess Myla is AWESOME! She cutted our hair, and played with us at the beach, and she spended the night too!”
Oh, Jesus. They’re going to think I’m some kind of two-bit whore, having spend-the-nights when their children are here.
“Oh, yeah?” Jake asks through a snort. “Getcha a little brown chicken—” Paige smacks a hand over his mouth just as Preston says, “No, Dad, we had pizza!” At that, we all laugh. From the mouths of babes.
“Okay, boys, time to go. Y’all head on out to the car. I’ll grab their stuff.” She stands and sets off toward the spare bedroom, still chuckling.
When she returns, Cash swoops in and grabs the boys’ stuff from her and carries it out. My belly dips—such a damn gentleman.
“Paige, it was so nice to meet y’all, and please know that nothing inappropriate happened last night. I fell asleep on the—”
She cuts me off. “Even if something did happen, y’all are grown. No harm, no foul. Now, give me your number, and I’ll text you about setting up a girls’ day.” I fire off my number and in turn save hers before hugging her bye.
I swear, Cash’s family is almost as amazing as he is. I smile to myself, thinking that Grams would approve for sure.
* * *
“What else yougot going on today?” Cash asks as he drops down beside me on the couch.
“Hmm, not really sure. Probably laundry.”
“Living the life, huh, darlin’?”
“You know it.” I can’t help the smile that stretches wide across my face. Being here with him, discussing mundane, everyday things . . . it just feels right. Like it’s where I’m supposed to be. He gives me this sense of belonging I’ve never felt with anyone else.
“Well, my day isn’t gonna be any more exciting than yours. Gotta clean up from Preston and Lucas. Then, I’ll probably head down to my shop and get prepped for the week.”
“Need help cleaning up?”
“I mean, shit, darlin’, if you’re offering . . .” His smirk leads me to believe cleaning is the last thing on his mind.
“Yeah, Cash, I am.” And maybe it’s the last thing on mine too.
The moment the words pass my lips, it’s as if time stops. Cash is like a statue—totally unmoving. His eyes are molten, pinning me in place as they search mine, making sure we’re on the same page. Lifetimes pass, or maybe it’s seconds. He must find the answer he’s looking for, because all at once, he lunges toward me, plunging his hands into my hair as he lays me back onto the couch.
His lips meet mine, and I swear—I swear—this man was made for me, to be mine. Our kiss is frenzied, more teeth than tongue, but it’s perfect. It’s passionate. It’s us.