"I do, and you were. No way in hell were you gonna crush those boys' hearts."
Every word she speaks is truth. I guess when you're friends this long, you can't hide much.
"I just . . . the thought of parading myself around in a swimsuit with this big ol’ belly is bad enough. Doing it in front of Cash is downright mortifying."
"You are b-e-a-u-tiful, Myles. What gives?"
"Have you seen my stretch marks?"
"No, idiot, and you haven't either. You look adorable, like you swallowed a soccer ball. You give other mamas bump envy."
I work my way up off the bed and lift my top. "Look! See!" I point to the small white lines marring my lower abdomen.
"Once again, you're beautiful. If something as insignificant as stretch marks is a deal breaker, then he really is an asshole."
"You really think so?"
"I know so, babe, so go get changed. You don't wanna be late."
* * *
I immediately spotCash and the boys playing in the sand near the lagoon. From the looks of it, they're constructing an incredible and intricate sandcastle.
"Hey, boys! What’re y'all building?"
Preston rushes over to me, kicking sand up with his little feet the entire way. "We're building a castle for you, Princess!"
Be still my heart . . . "For me?" I ask, stooping down to his level.
"Yes, ma'am. Uncle Cash saids all princesses need castles."
"Your uncle’s a wise man, P. Any chance y'all wanna let me help?"
"Yes-yes-yes-yes!" We walk hand-in-hand to where Cash and Lucas are diligently working on my castle. "Uncle Cashmere, Myla is gonna help us!"
I linger just a moment before plopping down in the sand next to where Preston is digging a moat around the castle.
"What can I do to help?"
Lucas hands me a plastic sand mold. "We needs some starfish, Princess Myla. You like starfish?"
"Love em, Lou. Did you know they can regenerate?"
"Agenerate? What's that?"
"Re-gen-er-ate. It means if they lose a limb, they can grow it back!"
"Like a lizard!" Preston pipes up.
"Yeah, bud, just like a lizard."
After about ten more minutes of construction, Preston sighs loudly, announcing his boredom. "Can we swim now?"
"Sure thing, little man. Y'all just stay in the lagoon," Cash tells them before turning to me. "You wanna swim too?"
"Sure, it's some kinda hot out here today."
He stands and whips the shirt he's wearing over his head and extends a hand down to me. My mouth’s so dry it feels like it's been stuffed with cotton balls.
Have mercy, he is all man.
"Come on, darlin'. Up you go,” he says, hauling me to my feet. "And ditch that cover-up."