“Heather, sometimes people change. You are too young to understand, but one day, when you fall in love, you will see.” Her head jumps back as if I slapped her.
“You know what, I may be young, but I know what love looks like, and I know when someone is lying.” I move toward her to ask her what she means, but she turns around and slaps me back with her words. “By the way, Gwen, how many big shirts do you have in your closet?” With that, she walks away from me before I can say anything. I feel like something is stuck in my throat. My head begins to spin. How does she know? I have been so careful. My mind immediately begins wondering if she is going to tell her brother.? Oh my God. I am going to be sick.
The rest of that I spent terrified she was going to rat me out. The few times I saw Hunter, he would look at me; I swear I could see the accusation in his eyes, but then I would calm myself and walk away. One thing she said right: How long am I going to be able to pull this off? Not just hide the growth, but emotionally. Having to hold this in and carry this burden alone is likely to kill me.
When school is finally over, I breathe a sigh of relief. One more day down. More miserable ones to come.
chapter six
After school, instead of heading straight to work like I usually do, I go to the Heartstrings offices. Gladis is the world’s best matchmaker, and I need her help.
I walk into her office, and her young, blonde assistant is on the phone, so I sit down and wait. The assistant hangs up the phone and smiles at me. It does nothing for me.
“Welcome to Heartstrings Dating Agency. How can we help you fall in love?”
“No need for that, ma’am,” I tell her. “I’m already very much in love.”
“Too bad,” she says.
“Hunter!” Gladis says, coming out of her office, coffee cup in hand.
“Hello, Gladis. I know I don’t have an appointment or anything, but I was hoping you had a few minutes to spare for me.” She sets her coffee cup down on the counter and pulls me into a hug.
“Of course. Come on in. Katherine, hold my calls.”
“Sure thing, Boss,” Katherine says, smiling at me again.
I follow Gladis into her office. She leads me to a couch in the corner. “How are you holding up, Hunter?”
“Not great, to be honest.” How do you tell the love of your life’s mother that you’re dying on the inside?
“Did you ever figure out what you did wrong? Henry and I have been trying to figure it out but have come up with nothing.”
“Why did I have to be the one to do something wrong?” I ask hotly. She lied to me. She led me to believe she didn’t love me anymore. She made me think she wanted other men to touch her perfect, tanned skin. Her tight, pink pussy. She made me think that everything we shared was just a way to pass the time for her and I should take her over my knee the second she’s not all fucked up from carrying my kid.
“Men usually fuck things up.”
“My mother said the same thing, but I figured it out regardless.”
“What is it?” she asks.
“I can’t tell you, but I do need your help.”
Together, we devised a plan that is guaranteed to work. It has to; I won’t accept anything less. Gladis promised to keep my secrets, which is crucial in order for this to work. On my way out, she hugged me again.
“I sure hope you know what you’re doing.”
“I do, don’t worry.”
As soon as I leave her office, I walk down to the jewelry store and purchase a two-carat platinum solitaire diamond engagement ring. I’ve had my eye on this ring for over a year now, and buying it is step one in my Get Gwen Back plan.
At home, I had planned on telling my parents everything, but they are out, so when Heather is sitting in the living room watching TV, I realize that I hadn’t spoken to her since Gwen dumped me.
“Hey, sis,” I say, sitting down next to her. She turns the volume down on the tv.
“Hey, Hunter. What’s up?”