“I’m not going to let this go on for much longer Gwen. You’re on notice. I’m coming for everything that’s mine. Everything.”
“What does that mean?”
“You know what that means.”
Her shoulders sag and she opens the door.
I’m getting her back come hell or high water.
chapter thirteen
Two Days Later
Ugh. I could not sleep last night. It is no different than any other night, but last night was particularly brutal. Ever since the two sexual encounters with me and Hunter, I have been off kilter, not myself, unable to concentrate on anything, but when the next time is I can see him. Yeah, this is so messed up.
I slug myself out of bed, do my business, have a conversation with the invader in my tummy, and walk down the stairs. I know I am in for a confrontation when both of my parents are in the kitchen. My mom usually asks my dad to stay home when she knows I am not going to give in to her. Him, I have a harder time refusing.
“Buenos días padres.” I drop my bag on the floor and brace myself. I grab a bagel and some orange juice and wait for it. “Are you going to say anything or just stare at me.” It is starting to make me nervous.
“Well,, I have some exciting news for you, sweetie.” Whenever she starts off like that, I am going to hate it.
“What is that?”
“I have matched you for a prom date.” I swear you could hear crickets in here. Is she serious? My father moves toward her because he knows my reaction is not going to be good.
“What did you just say? Surely you did not say what I told you I didn’t want you to do?” I know right away when she steals her spine.
“I did. I want you to enjoy this, Gwennie. You are my only child. My daughter. You can do this once for me, right? This is what all mothers wait for besides a wedding. Is it too much to ask for one night to just get all dolled up and let me take pictures and have a good time?” I begin shaking my head, ready to argue, when she shocks me. “Dammit! You are going to do this. End of discussion.” I cannot remember the last time she cursed at me. My father is also shocked as he moves around the island between the two of us.
“Nena, haz esto por tu Madre.” Ugh. I knew he was going to do this.
“Pero ella está siendo injusta. Ya le dije que no.” I tell him how unfair she is being, since I already told her no.
“Ella te ama. Hacerlo por mí, hija.” His words hit me right in the chest. I don’t need him to tell me how much she loves me. But he knows he got me when he asks me to do this for him.
“You both know I don’t speak Spanish other than good morning and good night, so this isn’t fair.” She crosses her arms. I can’t help giggling as my father chuckles and pulls her into his arms. I watch as a casual observer when his eyes soften as soon as he sees her. She melts into him; they are the only two in the room. You would never know that both of them had to give up their families when they fell in love. Him being from a very traditional Cuban Family, and her from a prominent German family; they were both shunned. But they followed their hearts. That is what I had with Hunter. That is what I miss. “So, what do you say, sweetie?” My mom asks, breaking through my regrets. Sighing, I drop my shoulders and give in.
“Fine. I’ll go.” I know I am going to regret it, though.
chapter fourteen
When I woke up this morning, I had a moment of panic that Gwen wouldn’t go along with this, but another phone call to Gladis cured me of that. I get out of bed and make my way downstairs to find some breakfast and instead find Heather in a panic as well.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, immediately concerned. My parents went out of town for their anniversary, and we are the only ones home. I don’t know why they had to leave this weekend of all weekends, but they did and of course Murphy’s Law rears its ugly head.
“I’m freaking out, Hunter. Freaking the fuck out,” she says, practically in tears.
“Why?” I ask.
“My hairdresser cancelled my appointment for this afternoon. My dress is still at the tailor. I don’t know what to do. Why did Ryder do this?”
“You mean you don’t know?” I ask, bemused.
“Don’t laugh at me. He waited until the last minute and didn’t have anyone else to ask.”