Page 10 of Prom-posal

“Come for me, baby. Come all over my cock. Give me what I need.”

“Fuck that. Give me what I need,” she mewls, pushing back on me. I pull all the way out of her and slam back into her.

“Take it, baby,” I growl, leaning over her so I can whisper in her ear. She fucking loves that. She shivers under me, and her pussy clenches around my cock.

“Hunter!” she whispers as she comes, and I fill her with my seed. Reluctantly, I pull out of her and get dressed. When I lean down to kiss her, she’s already back under the covers. She turns her head away from me so that I catch her cheek.

“I love you, Gwen,” I whisper in her ear. She shudders but doesn’t say anything back. Just as I’m about to shut the window, she calls out to me.


“Yeah, baby?”

“Drive carefully, okay?”

“I will, baby. Sweet dreams.”

Getting in my truck and going home is hard, especially since I only want to crawl into her bed behind her, pull her into my arms, and cradle her and our child. Soon, I promise myself. Soon.

chapter eleven


Two Days Later

God, I should be focusing on helping Jeremiah with his math homework, but for the past two days, all I can think of is the way Hunter climbed through my window and sated my horny need for him. It was so weird that at the moment I was thinking of him and contemplating putting my hands in my panties, there he was, like a knight in shining armor, sliding through my window. He growled at me, telling me he could smell me. Before I could stop myself, I was begging him to take me. I was losing my mind but found it fast enough to only let him in from behind me. It doesn’t matter. Any way that he takes me is Heaven.

I felt his hand creeping up my body, and as much as it pained me even while in the throes of passion, I ordered him to keep his hands to himself even though my body was quaking for his touch. God, the next morning was like I had been reborn.

“Miss Ayala, is this right?” Shoot. I look down and try to concentrate. This is my job, after all.

“Let’s look, Jeremiah.” I look over his math formula and smile at how far he has come in learning equations. “Great job. I think you are going to be so ready for your test tomorrow.” The alarm chimes throughout the building, letting us know it is closing time. “Alright. Tomorrow is your day off. So, I will see you next week.”

“Alright. Thank you for your help.” He walks over and hugs me, and it fills me with purpose. This is why I want to be a teacher. I love changing the lives of children through patience and care.

Once all of the kids have left, I stay behind as usual helping to clean up. I am finishing up the Kinetics corner when my boss comes over. “How are you feeling, Gwen?” Why does everyone keep asking me that?

“I am fine. Why?” She looks at me with something close to pity before her expression changes to understanding.

“How far along are you?” She looks at me like she knows all of my secrets.

“I-I don’t know what you mean,” I tell her, walking away. Then she stops me in my tracks.

“I was a teen mom, as well, you know.” I turn, shocked by her words. My mind is going through the math, and it doesn’t compute. I know her daughter, Evelyn and she is only ten years old. “I have a daughter named Chloe. She is in college.” Holy hell. How did I not know this? “The difference between you and I is that I was a sophomore.” Wow.

“How did you figure it out?” I want to know how she knows. I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it.

“I remember the big clothes trying to hide it as well. It is not rocket science. You went from figure hugging clothes to covering up everything.” Yeah. That makes sense. “Does he know?” That one question makes the tears fall like a river.

“No. I can’t bring myself to tell him.” She rubs my back but looks at me in confusion.

“Why not? Do you think he would want nothing to do with it?”

“Just the opposite in fact. He would give up everything to be here for me and this baby and I can’t let that happen. He got a scholarship for school, and he is so excited about it. I can’t be the one to ruin his plans.”

“What about your plans, Gwen? You didn’t make this baby alone. You shouldn't have to carry this weight alone either.” Logically, I know that, right? I think about it all the time, but then I go back to all of the stories and books saying the opposite. The man becomes resentful, and everything goes to hell. All three of us deserve better.

We spend another hour or so discussing my situation and hers, and at the end of it, all it did was fill me with more guilt and give me more to think about, but it was so great to be able to talk to someone. Especially since I have my ultrasound appointment tomorrow and I am going to be doing it alone. Again.