Page 16 of Prom-posal

“You’re pregnant,” I tell her.

“How… what?”

“Baby, please,” I say standing. “Do you think that I don’t know every single inch of your body?” I pull her close to me. “Did you think you could hide this from me forever?”

“Yes… No… I don’t know.”

“Answer my question so I can put my ring on your finger, baby. Come back to me and be mine again.”

“You’re not mad at me? I haven’t ruined your life?”

“Fuck it, you’re marrying me,” I say, sliding the ring onto her finger. “First of all, it takes two people to get pregnant and no one’s life is ruined.” I put my hand on her belly. “I was upset when I first realized but more so that you’d keep it from me, not that it happened. I’m happy. I knew that I could get you pregnant when I slid my cock into you. I wanted to tie you to me. I didn’t think you’d leave me over it.”

“About that…”

“It’s not important right now. Have you been to the doctors? Do you know the sex? Is everything Okay? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. We’re fine. It’s twins. A boy and a girl.”

“Twins? Fuck, baby. I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you too. I’m sorry I thought I was doing the right thing.”

“I know, baby. I get it. I was never going to let you go anyway, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it,” I tell her, making her giggle. Fuck, I’ve missed that giggle. I kiss her for what seems like hours. When we finally come up for air, I remember we’ve got a dance to get to.

“Let’s get to prom, baby. We have a lot to celebrate tonight. Have you talked to Heather?”

“No. Why?”

“Guess who she’s at the prom with?”

“No! Ryder? Oh. My. Gosh! Fin-fucking-ly.”

“Exactly what I said.”

As soon as we get to the prom, we realize pretty quickly that Ryder has told Heather everything. Heather gets the DJ to play our song and we dance the night away.

I got my girl back and my babies with the perfect prom-posal. I vow to make our life together as good as it can be. For them, I’d do anything. They are my everything.



Two Years Later

“Get back here, you two little monsters.” Laughing, I chase my two-year-old twins, Stefania and Stefano, around the yard as best I can, considering I am six months pregnant. These kids exhaust the heck out of me, but being with them during the day is the highlight. Walking toward the door, I grab each of their hands and walk back to the house with them. Once inside, I release them and giggle when they topple all over each other, trying to get to Loona, our Yorkie.

While those two are busy driving the dog nuts, I start chopping and such for dinner tonight. This is one of only three of the seven days when Hunter can make it home to eat with us and spend time with the twins before they go down for the night.

We got married two weeks after graduation. Neither of our mothers was happy with that because they didn’t have enough time to plan something extravagant, but neither of us wanted that anyway. As a wedding gift, our families came together and bought us a house midway between both of theirs. I cried like a baby, sure because the gift was generous, but more because safety and security are something that weighed heavily on me in terms of being able to provide both for our babies. At the same time, we got our lives together, and knowing that we had a place to live without worry, was such a load off.

Neither of us wanted to depend on our families, even though we knew they would do whatever we needed. But that is not what we wanted. So, we accepted this gift and everything else we are doing on our own: paying for college, transportation, and everything else. We can’t stop them from buying stuff for their grandkids, but we put a hard foot down at doing anything else for us.

Once that was done, we sat down and talked about what was going to be best for us. We both realized that with two babies, it would be impossible for both of us to go to school and work and take care of them. We also realized we couldn’t do any of it away from our families with no support system. So, using logistics, we knew he would make the most money straight out of college, whereas it would take me time in my field to make a dent in his income, so, we opted for him to go to school at the community college and work construction at his father’s company, while I stayed home.

Hunter is now six weeks away from his associate in business degree. Even though he has at least another two years to go, with this first degree, he can begin working for his dad, making a decent salary while using his employee scholarship to pay for his last two years.

I begin school in September remotely since this little one will be born shortly after school starts. I figured I might as well start online and then go in person once the baby is one, and we put all three of them in daycare part-time. It’s not a perfect plan, you know. No plan is, but this way, our family is together, our kids are getting the attention they deserve, and both of us are going to be bettering our lives for all of us.