Page 14 of Prom-posal

“Sounds good.” I continue to lay back and close my eyes. My mom is astute enough that she has said not one word, realizing I need some calm time.

Once the girl is done, I admire her work and thank her for the amazing job. Mom and I get in the car and realize we have a little less than two hours before my date arrives for pictures and hor d'oeuvres.

As soon as we walk into the house my dad is on me, telling me how beautiful I look and how he can’t wait to see me in my dress. I try to smile as much as I can, but now I am more anxious than anything, my Zen gone out the window. I know my mom is going to want to help me get dressed. Maybe I can hurry and put it on before she is done talking to my dad.

I walk into my room and put on my robe while I grab the dress and my shoes. I pin my hair back from my face, so it doesn’t get messed up while I pull it over my head. Right as I turn my back to pull off my robe, I hear my door open.

“I just came to help you get ready.” She says, clapping her hands.

“Mom, can I have some privacy, please?” She scoffs, and I turn my eyes, hoping to plead with her to do as I have asked.

“Absolutely not. I am going to help you get dressed and that is that.” Letting a breath, I have been holding in for the past five months, letting the weight fall off me because I can no longer do this. It is taking a toll on me and interfering with being able to enjoy my pregnancy. For all of the sadness about Hunter, I am happy about our baby, or I would be if I weren’t so busy trying to hide it. So, I take a deep breath, let it out, and say fuck it.

“Fine. You want to help me get dressed.” I untie my robe and close my eyes. She gasps so loud I am shocked my father didn’t run up here.

“Gwendolyn. I-are you-oh my god how did I not know? What kind of mother doesn’t figure it out?” I rush to her side and pull her into my arms. I cannot let her take this on as her fault.

“No, Mom. You are a fantastic mom. Do you know how hard I worked to ensure you didn’t know? Hell, I even turned into a mega bitch just to throw you off the trail.” Tears are falling from her eyes, and within seconds, I, too, am crying.

“You’re pregnant. Gwennie, you're going to have a baby.” She sounds more incredulous than upset. Her hand reaches out and touches my stomach, and another bout of crying leaves my eyes. I didn’t know until right now how much of this I wanted to share with her. To have someone who loves me, touch my stomach, and feel the wonder I do every day is priceless. “How far along are you?”

“Five months.”

“Have you been to the doctor?”

“Yes. I have been going to a new one so you wouldn’t find out.” She nods but doesn’t say anything.

“Do you know what you are having?” A hiccup slips past my lips. I am so freaking emotional right now, and I can't stop it. Rubbing my hands over my stomach, I smile and look up at her.

“A boy and a girl. I’m having twins.”

“Sweet Jesus. You are having two babies?” I nod my head, sharing in her astonishment. When the doctor first told me that, I think it took me an hour to come out of the shock and leave the office. “I’m going to be a grandmother.” Then a look of confusion comes over her face and she looks at me.

“Does Hunter know?”


“Is this why you broke up with him?” I nod my head, shame overcoming me.

“But why? Why wouldn't you want his support?” My hands come to my face, and I cry hard, ruining my makeup but so filled with sorrow.

“I didn't want to ruin his life—his scholarship, his dreams, his future.” She grabbed my hands from my face and looked at me with compassion.

“What about your dreams and future, darling? Why should you carry this alone? He and his family, as will your father and I, would be there for you both. You didn’t make this baby alone, my love. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice for it alone either.” Her words hit me just right, and suddenly, nothing feels hopeless. Maybe getting my love back isn’t either. She gives me a smile letting me know she got through to me. Then, ever the professional. “Alright now, let’s get you dressed and fix your makeup.” I look at this remarkable woman who loves without judgment and forgives without penalty.

Throwing my arms around her, I allow myself to soak in all of the affection I have been denying myself. “I love you, Mama.” She squeezes and then squeaks when one of the babies kicks her.

“I love all three of you so much, Gwennie.” I know. I think I just forgot for a minute. But what will I do when I see him at the dance?

chapter sixteen


Prom night is finally here. Finally. All the stress and worry is knotted in my stomach and I feel like I can’t breath. No isn’t an option, but I can’t help thinking that her first instinct will be to tell me that. Fuck that noise. The limo pulls up outside of Gwen’s house. I adjust my cuff links and ring the doorbell.

“Hello, Henry,” I say, when he opens the door.

“You’re the secret date?”