“I’ll keep that in mind.” I wink. I like salty Maeve, so cue the provocation. But then again, she doesn’t have a bad side—literally or figuratively. I’ve come to realize just how deeply in love with her I am.
The server hands me the margarita and I pass it to Maeve.
“Thank you,” she says.
“We’re all set,” I tell the server, and he moves over to serve my parents.
Maeve takes a sip from the glass and then licks the salt from her lips, humming at the taste. She moans. “Yum.”
My dick twitches. “You did that on purpose,” I say.
She laughs mischievously and shrugs.
Shifting my weight, I lean forward and focus on what’s happening on the ice. The game’s about to start. We’re playing a division rival that always gives us a tough run. Getting this win is important if we want to begin the season off on the right foot. Plus, as the new owner, I don’t want my first game to be a loss.
Maeve scoots forward on her seat, setting her drink on the ledge. She snatches a pretzel from the platter and dips it in the smooth cheese. She bites it in half and notices me watching her. She offers the remainder up to me as she chews. Closing my lips around her fingers, I take it, flicking my tongue against her skin. She gapes at me, and I snicker.
“Consider that payback for the moaning.”
Her eyes flash a warning. “Behave.”
“Behaving is overrated, Sunshine.”
And damn near impossible when she’s near.
If we were alone, I’d show her how fun misbehaving can be. I could be between her legs, thrumming my tongue against her clit while she watches the game, and no one would be the wiser.
How do I get rid of everyone and make that happen?
My dick grows harder at the thought. Trying to be discreet, I adjust myself, urging it down. She has a power over me I’m still not used to. But how does one become accustomed to getting the wind knocked out of them? That’s what happens when I look at Maeve, and it’s not just because she’s so fucking stunning. I love everything about her, and I know I always will.
When the game starts, we all have our faces pressed to the glass as we watch. The first two periods pass, and with both teams playing tentatively, there’s no scoring. Things pick up in the third with Kaiden scoring a goal, but then one of the opposing players slips the puck past Murphy.
“Dang,” Gwen yells.
“It’s okay. There’s still plenty of time left,” Maeve reassures her.
My eyes jump to the game clock. With two minutes remaining, there’s plenty of time to score another goal.
Maeve grabs my hand and bounces in her seat. “I’m so nervous. I don’t usually watch the games.”
“That’s going to change, Sunshine.”
“Yeah, but I never had an owner’s box to sit in before. It doesn’t get better than this.”
As the clock ticks down, my heart races faster. Niall strips the puck away, sailing it across the ice to Ryder. “Come on, guys,” I mumble to myself. “Get the job done.” And like they can hear me, Ryder passes the puck to Darius, and he slaps it right past the goalie and into the net with less than ten seconds left on the clock.
Maeve and I leap to our feet. Wrapping my arms around her, I lift her up and spin around. When I set her down, I move over to Gwen and whirl her around too. I put Gwen down and step in front of my mom. “Are you ready for your turn?” I ask, holding my arms out.
She laughs and shakes her head. My dad stands. “I’m ready,” he says, holding his arms out. He doesn’t expect me to take him up on the challenge, and when I do, the surprise on his face is worth the effort it takes to lift his two-hundred-twenty-pound frame up and spin him around.
When I set him down he laughs and wraps his arms around me. He hugs me tightly. “Congratulations, son. You and your team are off to a great start.”