“We lucked out with the weather. I was worried when we booked this place that it might rain or be too hot and humid.”
He shrugs. “If it rained, we’re under a giant tent.”
“I know, but it’s a decent walk from the parking lot to here. No woman wants to carry an umbrella while wearing a gown.”
He smiles at me. “I’ll take your word for it. We should head to our table.”
“Okay.” I hook arms with Sheryl. “Come on, date. Let’s go.”
“Yay, look at me. My girl’s hot as fuck,” Sheryl says.
“Yes, she is,” Trey agrees, sending me a heated glance.
I send a cautionary one his way. “Behave.”
“That’s not easy when you look fucking edible,” he says quietly. His compliment sends a burst of flutters through my stomach.
We reach the table at the same time his parents do. I hurry over to embrace them both, and Trey does the same.
Sheryl hugs Greg, and he introduces her to Lillith. We all settle in our seats. It’s not long before some of Greg and Lillith’s close friends join them on the other side of the table.
Trey’s hand possessively grips my thigh under the cover of the tablecloth while I sip on my mojito. My gaze moves about the crowd as I look for familiar faces. A couple of my brother’s teammates give me a quick nod. While I don’t know them well, we have been introduced.
“How do you know Ryder and Murphy?” Trey asks.
“My brother.”
“Are they nice to you?”
“Trey, I barely know them. But they were polite when we met and just now.”
“Just making sure they’re good guys on and off the ice,” he says.
“Hey, little brother.”
Trey’s head whips around, and he jumps from his chair, smiling.
“Phil. I was wondering where you were.” They shake hands and slap each other on the back. “Hi, Terry,” Trey says, pulling her in for a quick hug.
“Trey, how are you? We haven’t seen as much of you lately. We heard you’re busy.” Her eyes move to me, and she smiles.
“Phil and Terry, this is Maeve.” He introduces us, and I rise and shake their hands.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” I say.
“You’re even prettier than Lillith mentioned,” Terry says.
I place my hand on my chest. “Thank you. That’s so nice of you to say.”
“We better go say hello to the parents before Mom gives us the stink eye,” Phil says.
Trey chuckles. “Too late.”
Phil shakes his head and mutters something as he and Terry walk away.
“They seem very nice,” I say.
“Yeah, they’re great. I would’ve liked to introduce you to them before tonight, but there hasn’t been time.”