“Anything. Well, except sign up for another pedicure.” She laughs and squeezes my hand. “I love you, Wren, but my self-preservation instinct is really strong.”

I pass her my phone and turn us so our back is to the guy across the street. “Take a picture of the three of us.”

She frowns at me. “Wren, I can’t put any pictures on social media. It’s too dangerous. And you don’t even like getting your picture taken.”

“It’s not a ‘real’ selfie. There’s a guy across the street watching us. I think I saw him outside the salon too. I need a photo of him.”

Evianna sucks in a sharp breath and starts to turn, but I hiss at her, “Don’t! If he runs, we won’t have any idea what he looks like. Please. Play along.”

Though they both urge me to call Ry immediately, I hold the phone up to get a good angle of the three of us. Or…I make it look that way. Because my arms are too short to get a decent shot.

After a few attempts, Cara eases the device from my hand and turns it on its side. “Smile, ladies,” she calls out—a little louder than necessary. After a couple of clicks, she taps the screen again and slowly lowers the phone. “I tried to catch a video too. But the resolution might not be the best.”

The light changes, the happy chirping of the walk signal at odds with the strain we’re all feeling.

“We can’t go back to the condo,” Evianna says as we cross the street. “Call Ry. Get him to meet us somewhere.”

“What about that bar on Seneca?” Cara asks. “They have a bouncer all day long. It’s only a few blocks away.”

“That’ll be good.” I dig in my purse and find my Bluetooth earbud. “Is he still back there?”

Evianna lets out a laugh and executes a truly brilliant—and graceful—three-hundred-and-sixty-degree spin. To anyone else, she looks like she’s having a great time with her friends. But I can see the fear in her eyes.

“Yes. I think he’s texting. But he’s definitely keeping pace with us.”

“Spitsnacks. Ry’s going to bust a gasket.”



When I walk into the bar, it only takes me seconds to find Wren, Evianna, and Cara. They’re at a table against the wall with a full view of the door. Smart.

A plate of fries sits untouched in front of them. To anyone else, they look like they’re having fun. But at my side, Ripper swears under his breath. He sees it. Cara’s hands clenched under the table. Wren’s glassy eyes. Evianna twisting her wedding ring around her finger.

“Sir, we don’t allow dogs.” A guy with bright blue hair tucks a pair of menus under his arm. “You can tie him up outside.”

“He stays. You got a problem with that?” I ask, hands on my hips.

“N-no. Sit…anywhere,” he stammers and backs away.

Rip shakes his head. “Way to make the kid piss himself, Ry.”

“You’re welcome.” By the time I reach the table, Wren’s on her feet, and I wrap my arms around her. “You okay, little bird?” She nods against my chest.

Ripper pulls Cara close, and Charlie presses to her thighs. After a beat, he sidles up to Evianna and noses her hand. The dog is more perceptive than half the guys I went through Basic with.

“We didn’t see anyone suspicious on the way here,” I say. “But Graham’s outside, keeping watch. We’re taking a nice leisurely walk down to the waterfront, where West will pick us up. We’re not going back to the condo until we’re sure we’re not being followed.

“You told Dax what happened?” Evianna asks.

“I sent a car to your hotel to pick him up. He’s already at the condo, waiting for us.”

She sags against the table and swipes at her eyes.

Wren’s trembling, and I tip her chin up so I can brush a kiss to her lips. “Rip and Zephyr can go to work on traffic camera footage once we get back. If there’s anything to find…”

“I know. They’ll find it. We’ll find it,” she says and straightens her shoulders. “I should have let you come with us. You’d have seen him before I did. But this was the last time…” Tears swim in her eyes.