Page 91 of Holding the Tempo

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” No, but I wasn’t about to say no to dessert made by Seth.

“All right. Well, digest a little and I’ll go get it. Be back in a minute.”

“Mmhmm.” That was all I could muster.

Laughing, he collected our dishes and disappeared back into the house. I sipped at my second cup of the mulled apple cider, still in love with how all the flavors worked together to make me feel like I was drinking autumn. It wasn’t just apples that I tasted, but also oranges, and the cinnamon, and something else making the drink feel cozy.

I licked my lips, separating the flavors. Cloves. That was cloves.

Seth came back out with smaller plates this time, but still covered with small metal domes like the first time.

He served us and sat down. We both grabbed the lids again and then pulled them up together.

I laughed as I looked down at the small bowl.

“Apple crisp?” The bottom looked to be an apple mixture. There was even a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and it was all topped with pecans and what looked like a caramel sauce.

“The only true desert of Thanksgiving.”

“Not a pie?”

“No, not a pie.”

I giggled and grabbed the big spoon on the plate and then made sure to scoop up a little everything. As soon as I put it in my mouth, I moaned.

It was so good. Hot and cold clashed together, filling my mouth with sweetness. The apples were still crisp enough and everything blended rather well together.

“You are a god in the kitchen,” I said and ate another scoop.

“I try.”

“You should become a chef.”

“Hell no. I’m reserving my genius cooking skills for loved ones only. I have no interest in feeding strangers. I’d start hating it.”

“Fair enough. I’m a little jealous.”

“Don’t be. I’m more than happy to keep you overly fed. And your talents are elsewhere.”

“You can’t keep feeding me like this,” I said. “I think I’ll need to roll myself inside. I’m so full now.”

“I told you not to overeat.”

“Well, who told you to cook good food? Next time add too much salt to something and I won’t devour it all.” I shifted in my seat. “Oh, I think the turkey finally settled in.” I groaned, my stomach feeling like it was going to burst.

“We better get you settled before you slip into a food coma.”

“Mmm,” I said as I rubbed my stomach.

Seth pulled me to my feet and led me inside.

“I don’t want today to end,” I admitted. Everything had been perfect. A date I never would have imagined.

“Then it won’t. Cuddle with me?”

I refused to let my thoughts hold me back, so I nodded. Seth brought me to his room, where he pushed me into his bathroom. “Get changed. I’ll be right back. Need to clean up real quick.”