Page 89 of Holding the Tempo

“It wasn’t even that funny, just ‘It’s ok. I’m on 500mgs of fukitol.’ I think it hit home for him because he was still on pain meds and what he was going through at that time. I bought the shirt and have been buying shirts like that ever since, once I realized it could make people laugh.” He grinned at me. “And it obviously still works.”

I laughed at the truth of it all.

We walked around more, reading off some of the grateful messages which led to learning more and gaining insight about each other we never had before.

Seth was grateful for his family, for his job, and schooling. I admitted to being grateful for being able to make my own money, for the life I was building, and even my dad. That last one was hard to admit, but once I did, I felt lighter. Better. Happier.

Seth finally found a tree that made him happy. We bought it, they made this huge deal about getting it strapped to Seth’s truck, and then we were off.

“Now what?” I asked.

“Now we make sure the tree doesn’t die,” he said. He pointed at the small bag in my lap. “Choose one. Your turn.”

I pulled out another sheet of paper and read it. Frowning, I held it out. “It just has my name.”

Seth chuckled. “I wondered if you were going to get that one.”

“Why me?” I asked.

“Why not?” He reached over and grabbed my hand, holding it comfortably as he kept driving down the dark highway. “This year, you are who I’m most grateful for.”

“I’m not that special. I think I’m rather boring.”

“I disagree. You’re far more special than you give yourself credit for. With all of us graduating, I wasn’t sure where we were heading. Sure, people manage to remain childhood friends, but I also know a lot of friends who knew each other since they were in diapers grow apart. And I was scared that was going to happen to us. That everyone would go off to different schools—Bryan to some Ivy league none of us could dream of ever going to. Paxon and Justin to whichever college was willing to give them a sports scholarship. Heck, I wondered if Toby would even go to college. Then we met you, and I began to see it, our future. Together. With you. Coming back to each other.”

I swallowed hard. “That’s a lot.”

Seth shrugged. “But it’s true. No pressure on you and I know nothing is set in stone, but for the first time, I was finally able to see it. Us being childhood friends and remaining friends as we found our places in the world. Us staying connected. And it’s because of you. I don’t know where our relationship is heading, but I’m confidently happy that we’re doing it. And I’ll fight hard to keep it going too.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. It was so much, so heavy. Almost suffocating. But it was also a bit sweet. Seth was seeing a future with all of us together. I wanted to see that too. I couldn’t, not at the moment, but I hoped I would soon.

It’d be nice.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

As Seth brought us home, disappointment thrummed through me. I didn’t want it to be over yet. I wanted more time with him, reading thankful notes to each other and just talking. But I guess the date had to end at some point.

“What’s wrong?” Seth asked as he turned off his truck.

I glanced at the house. “I’m not ready for our date to end.”

Seth broke out into a massive grin. “Good, because it isn’t over yet.”

“Really?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Nope. We’ll get the tree set up and watered, and then we need to eat dinner. There isn’t a date without dinner.” He jumped out of his truck and came around.

After helping me down, he held my hand as we went inside.

“So, we’re going to put it in the living room.”

“Are we decorating it?” I asked.

“Toby and Paxon would murder me if I decorated the tree without everyone, so we’ll have to wait until after Thanksgiving, when I get back. We’re just going to get it set up really quickly. I’ll need your help. Then we eat.”

Moving a massive, eight-foot tree turned into a pain in the ass, but one that left me laughing. Seth had failed walking backwards and managed to land on his ass. And then when we were trying to get it into the tree stand thingy, it tilted and trapped him in the corner.

I loved it and Seth took it all in stride.