Page 3 of Holding the Tempo

I smiled, knowing he would too. I hadn’t been a good friend to him lately, but he was still by my side. That was how amazing he was as a human being.

“Well, hopefully not too hung over. I already fail at sleeping.”


I snorted and looked at my nails. They had been painted pink and black in a checkerboard style. Hazel had done a really good job.

“If I think about it too much, I’m going to scream. I’m tired of thinking about it. At least for tonight.”

“Okay. Then we won’t. For tonight. I promise.” He held out his pinky to me.

I chuckled and we locked our fingers together, pinky-swearing. It was such a kid thing to do that I loved Micah all the more for it.

“Okay!” The twins jumped into the room.

One of them had red hair and was holding a microphone. The other had blonde hair piled high on her head and held a small toy guitar. Both of them were dressed country-like.

“Is that Dolly and Reba?” I asked as I took in the plaid shirt on Lillian and the red flower in her hair. Hazel had cowboy boots and short red hair.

“Ding ding. You’re good,” Lillian said.

I shrugged. “I know music.”

“Those look great,” Micah said.

“How’d you get done so fast?” I asked, trying to not pout. It didn’t even take them ten minutes.

“We only needed to put the clothes and wigs on. Our makeup was already done when we came over,” Lillian replied.

Now that she mentioned it, their makeup was nicely done while they worked on me. I had been too distracted at being poked at to look too closely.

“Let’s head over,” Micah said. He held out both his arms and the twins looped their arms through his. He puffed up his chest. “This nobody rockstar feels like someone now.”

They laughed as they left. I made sure I had everything and then followed, listening to their laughter, unable to keep from smiling as we crossed the street to Seth’s house.

The outside of the house was already done with spooky fun. There were spiderwebs all over, lights strategically placed, adding extra shadows and creepiness. There were ghosts floating around, zombies trying to get out of the ground, and glowing pumpkins lighting our path to Seth’s door.

We went right inside.

“We’re here,” I called out, hearing the deep murmur of the guys in the kitchen.

I took the lead, looking forward to seeing the guys.

As soon as I got to the door, I came to a full stop, my eyes widening as Micah grabbed on to me to keep from crashing into me.

Then I broke out laughing. Hard enough to snort. I would have fallen to the ground if Micah wasn’t holding on to me. Then he saw what I saw and broke out laughing too.

Pure, belly-aching laughter filled the kitchen. My vision blurred from the tears.

The guys did stick to the theme, but instead of the boy band outfits I had planned for them, they went in a completely different direction. All five of them wore wigs of different colors and dresses and clothes that were clearly not made for men to wear. Most of them looked like they had to squeeze into them.

Bryan wore a red wig, sporting a dress designed to look like the British flag. Paxon had on a dark wig, a red sports bra stretched over his hard flat chest, and loose black sweatpants on. Toby wore a blonde wig in ponytails, a too small simple off-white dress, sneakers and socks that went up to his knees. Seth was in leopard-print pants and tank top and a black curly wig. Justin had on tight, black pants, a black crop top, and black sunglasses. His wig was long, straight black hair.

“This is killing me,” I said, going into the room to let the others inside. My sides ached so hard, and it was becoming difficult to breathe. I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself. But then I saw the way Paxon’s sports bra stretched over his frame, showing off all his muscles, and I broke out laughing again. It was too ridiculous.

Every time I thought I was going to be okay, I’d see something else just as ridiculous that would set me off again. The guys just stood there, grinning big. Paxon and Toby even flexed to goof around.

“I can’t anymore,” I wheezed and turned to leave the room. “I was only joking when I had mentioned the Spice Girls outfits.”