Page 31 of Holding the Tempo

“Not sure,” Justin said. “I usually just make something for Laura and me. She’ll be working Thanksgiving again.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.

“What about you?” Toby asked me. “What do you normally do for Thanksgiving?”

“I haven’t really done anything before. Sometimes Lindie would use it as an opportunity for me to do some kind of charity event. My dad did invite me to go to Vegas and spend it with him.”

“Aw, I was hoping you’d join my family and me,” Micah said. “My mom keeps mumbling about how she’d wish you’d be there.”

“Oh.” I wasn’t expecting that. I should have though. In Bayley’s eyes, she had already adopted me. Even offered me a bedroom and place to live so I wasn’t alone. But for some reason, it didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t want to become anyone’s responsibility. I refused to become a burden.

“You know what, both you and Justin can come.” He looked at Justin. “And if your aunt is free, she can join us.”

“We can’t do that to your mom,” I said.

Micah shrugged. “Probably be doing her a favor. We usually have a big dinner with family, but we don’t have any family nearby to join us. It’ll be too quiet with the three of us. You’ll provide a good distraction so she doesn’t miss everyone too much. Unless you wanted to go see your dad instead? In that case, I understand. My invite is still open for Justin.” He sent Justin a wide smile to show he meant it.

Bayley would definitely adopt Justin too.

“I don’t know if I want to go there for Thanksgiving.” I nibbled at my lip as my anxiety grew. “He’s still… I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right to go stay with him for Thanksgiving.”

“He’s still a stranger,” Justin said.

I nodded. He was right. The man was my dad, but I only knew him from when I was a little girl. Not as the current me.

“Think it over. Both of you. I’ll let my mom know I invited you guys so she can prepare. I think she’s already starting to shop. Thanksgiving is huge in my family.” His voice went somber. “It’s one of the holidays we appreciate the most.”

“What kind of spread does she put out?” Paxon asked.

That was enough to get Micah talking for the next while, going on about more dishes than I understood. I knew the staples, like turkey, ham, stuffing, and pies. But he talked about all kinds of casseroles, salads, and a ton of desserts.

Toward the end, when the bell was about to ring for us all to go to homeroom, the cafeteria broke out into a chant, clapping to the beat.

‘Trilec High,

Time to fly’

Over and over again, it was chanted. First starting with cheerleaders standing near a table of soccer players, but it quickly spread out to all of the cafeteria as the excitement spread like fire to everyone else. Even Toby and Micah got into it, cheering along with everyone else.

I kept a smile plastered on my face, letting the beat of it thump against my chest. The team and everyone all around were hyper. Confidence spread to everyone as the room got louder and louder.

I glanced at Paxon and my smile slipped away.

He wasn’t chanting with his own teammates. He wasn’t even smiling. He just sat still and watched his teammates as they hyped each other.

It felt too wrong. He was their captain. He should be in the midst of this, letting this tidal wave of passion wash him away.

He blinked and met my gaze with his own. Something in it was challenging. And sad. Too sad for me to be able to react. I could only sit there and stare back at him as his whole team hyped up the entire cafeteria for the weekend’s tournament.

Chapter Ten

I was half asleep, the sun barely up when I crawled into my car. My eyes were crusty, practically glued together, my thoughts hazy. Somehow I managed to first pick up Micah without driving into a ditch.

“Here.” He chuckled as he passed me a canister.

I took a drink and grimaced, shoving it back into his hands. “What is that?”


“That isn’t coffee. That’s dirt.”