“Okay.” Fuck my life.

He smirks at me and gets up, jogging to the service area and speaking to Kirill. The blond glances at me and grins. Then he puts some of the food he was getting back. Two minutes later, the three of them walk back to me, armed with prepacked sandwiches, chips, and sodas.

“Let’s take this lunch elsewhere,” Dom says.

Swallowing down my suddenly dry throat, I follow Dom and the others as we walk out of the room. I can feel all the students’ eyes on me. They’re all watching. Do they know what is going on? Do they know I’m fucking around with all three of these men?

The thought makes me ashamed, but as we reach the empty hallway and Kirill lifts my hair from my nape and sifts it through his fingers, I find it hard to care.

When we reach the den, the snacks are placed on a table. Dom walks to a large fridge and takes out four beers. He passes me one.

“It’s lunchtime,” I say.

“Live a little, sweet thing,” Kirill says.

I do need to take the edge off because I suddenly feel as if I’m going to explode, and beer isn’t high in alcohol, is it? I take a few swigs and relax a little as it hits me. I put the bottle down on the table so I’m not going to thoughtlessly drink some more.

“Do you like what we did for you, Mackenzie?” Tino asks, his eyes focused on me as he watches.

“When we did it, I got hard for you,” Kirill says. “Knowing we were doing that for you. For our Duchess.”

I’m too hot, and my heart is beating too hard. I feel as if I can’t breathe.

Dom takes a swig of his beer and sets it down too. “I bought you a gift.”

His words couldn’t have surprised me more. “You did? Why?”

“Because I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Wait here.”

Then I remember the last gift I received from one of the Devils, and mistrust coils inside me. What do they have planned this time? It’s bound to be something messed up.

He lifts one finger and then disappears to where I’d seen him cutting himself. He emerges again, a shoe-sized box in his hands.


He gives the item to me. I glance down at the top of the box to see it’s branded Christian Louboutin.

With my breath caught, I open the box. Inside are four-inch stiletto heels, black patent leather with ankle straps and peep toes. The insole is a gorgeous red silk, and the heel is crusted with glittering red crystals, and they have the famous red soles, of course. They’re absolutely gorgeous and must have cost thousands.

“They’re beautiful, but I’ll never be able to walk in these.”

Dom smirks. “You think I bought them for you to walk in?”

My cheeks flare with heat.

“Now, try them on,” he encourages.

I nod and go to sit down, but his grip on my arm stops me. “Take off the pants first.”


“I want to see what your legs look like in these shoes.”

I glance around at the other two. They’re both nodding encouragingly. Fuck it. In for a penny and all that. We all know exactly where this is going. If they want to see me in a pair of thousand-dollar pumps, then why the hell not? I have to admit that I know I’ll feel sexy as hell with those on my feet.

Aware of all their eyes on me, I kick off my sneakers and then unbutton my jeans and wriggle them down off my hips. All three of these men have seen me in a lot less.

I realize I’m going to need to sit down if I’m going to stand any chance of putting the shoes on without breaking an ankle. I make my way to the couch and drop onto the cushions and set the box down beside me.