“You know that night you thought you’d been drugged, and you blamed Kirill?” Dom asks, his jaw jutting at that angle that I know means he’s pissed.

“I didn’t accuse you,” I say to Kirill. “I was just asking questions.”

Kirill snorts but doesn’t answer.

“Well, you were roofied.” Dom folds his arms across his chest. “But not by any of us, Duchess. By that fucking bitch.”

Rage, pure adrenaline-filled rage, floods my veins. My skin flares with heat. My heart trips. I forget all about my sense of right and wrong when it comes to that girl.

“Excuse me? She did what? She roofied me?”

“Yes, she did.” Tino nods. “She admitted it to Dom. Thought it would put her in his good books.”

She could have killed me. They don’t know I have seizures, but she could have made me so sick. Even without having epilepsy, it is a dangerous thing to do.

“Could have killed you,” Dom mutters, echoing my thoughts. As if he’d even care.

“I’m going to report her,” I say, turning to march back inside.

Dom grabs my arm. “To who?”

“Your dad. My soon to be stepdad. He’ll do something.”

“Like what? Give her detention?” Tino laughs at me.

“I’m sure this hotbed of depravity has better punishments than that.” I fix them with a hard glare.

“It kind of doesn’t,” Tino says softly. “Unless you do certain things, we’re encouraged to sort out differences ourselves, the way we will have to out there.”

Oh, my God.

“So, what? I’m supposed to fight her in that sick fighting ring you’ve got set up here?”

Kirill takes the ballcap from his head and places it on mine. “No, Duchess. We punished her for you. We held her down and cut off her hair, and we made a mess of it.”

“Yeah, we’re hardly qualified hairdressers.” Tino chuckles as if this is super funny.

My emotions are torn. I’m feeling sick, but also, there’s a part of me, a bigger part than I’d like to admit, that loves they did this for me.

“Why have you given me this?” I take the ballcap off.

“No, put it back on,” Kirill insists. “This is your crown to wear today. This shows Verity, and her friends, that if they fuck with you, we go after them.”

“Come on. Miss your meeting and come with us to the cafeteria,” Dom says meeting as he makes air quotes with his fingers.

“Wear your cap,” Kirill adds. “Show her what a fucking queen you are.”

Dom gives a slow nod. “We’ll be with you. No one hurts what is ours.”

Ours? I am not theirs. I don’t belong to them. Dom wants me gone, doesn’t he? Does this mean he’s changed his mind?

Unsure, but unable to resist the idea of Verity seeing me with the guys wearing her cap, even though I know it makes me no better than her, I allow them to lead me into the dining hall.

Chapter 39


Everyone looks at us as we walk in, and Verity looks the most. Her eyes widen as she sees her cap on my head, and then her cheeks turn a deep shade of pink as if she’s been slapped.