Then he just went out and replaced her with Mackenzie’s mom. I have a sneaking suspicion that was his plan all along. They already knew each other; I know that much. Did Dad hear that Lucia was now a widow and decide to make space for her?

Had Lucia wanted that, too?

She and her bitch daughter just slid into the place of me and my mom.

A perfect replacement.

I need to keep those thoughts and feelings front and center. I promised myself I’d get the truth about what happened to Mom, and retribution for her. I can’t let myself get distracted by how hot Mackenzie is. Never mind the fact that sometimes, in the deepest, darkest part of my psyche, when I look at her, I feel something…and it’s not just lust or hate.

In fact, those feelings are just more proof of why I need to get her out of here.

“You know,” Verity says, sidling up close to me, “I’ve been screwing with Mackenzie, too.”

I frown down at her. “You have?”

I’ve seen some of the bitchiness, the laughing at her clothes, and talking behind her back. Is that what she means? That’s fine by me. Especially if it gets her out of here faster.

“Who do you think roofied her that first night in the bar?”

I stop walking.


“I put it in her glass of champagne. She could barely stand up. It was hilarious.”

Ice cold fury runs through my veins. We nearly got the blame for that little stunt. “You did what?”

Her expression falters. “She deserved it. You said yourself that she acts all high and mighty. She needed knocking down a peg or two.”

“So, you thought it would be okay to drug her? Without my permission? You just acted as if you have the right?”

Who the fuck does Verity think she is? Mackenzie accused Kirill of this shit. What if Tino hadn’t walked her back to her room that night? Anything could have happened to her. One of those asshole Vipers might have gotten her and taken advantage of the state she was in. Rumor has it that they made a girl jump off the top of the tower last year. I wouldn’t put it past them to get their dicks wet if they found a girl half-conscious.

The thought of that happening to Mack fills me with an emotion I can’t even analyze. Why the fuck should I care? I do, though. About this. For reasons I can’t even begin to analyze right now, Verity’s confession has me livid.

I’m genuinely concerned about what I might do to Verity right now.

Verity pouts, and I want to tear her lips from her face. I remind myself that I don’t hurt women…unless they want me to.

“I thought it would make you happy,” she says.

I shake my head at her. “I can’t even stand to fucking look at you right now.”

“Dom!” she cries.

I lift a hand to stop her. “Don’t.”

I spin back around and storm off the way I’d been heading. Her pleas of, “Dom, please, wait,” chase me down the corridor.

Mack had been drugged. No wonder she’d been so confused and had put her walls up. Wait until the others find out what Verity did.

They’re going to go fucking nuts.

Chapter 38


The next day, I head into a lecture exhausted and, frankly, terrified. This place is messing with my head so much, I’m scared it will kill me. I’m genuinely worried that if I don’t leave here, I’ll have a seizure bad enough to do me real harm.