“Technically, I got her last, and you kept your time with her a pathetic secret, so you can shut the hell up.”

Tino sighs and stands. “I’m out of here. You two are losing it. She’s a bit of fun. She’ll be gone soon. Dom, you shouldn’t have screwed her without us there. You know we don’t play like that. We only screw a joint project if we are all there.”

Joint project. Tino is such a fucker. Still, the wording makes me smile.

“She might not have anything to do with any of us again, anyway, after whatever happened here last night,” I grumble.

Dom scowls at me. “At least I didn’t film her, so there’s that.” Then he shrugs. “I might have let her think I did, though.”

I growl and let my head fall back on my neck. “What? Why? Now you are guaranteeing we never get another taste.”

The idea of not getting to touch her again, to cover her in my cum and massage it into her perfect pussy, her tits, maybe her asshole, fills me with anger.

“Kirill, are you catching feelings?” Tino says with a laugh.

“No,” I deny immediately. “I just want to fuck her. I want all of us in her, on her, marking her.”

“Christ, you need therapy. A kink is one thing, but when it’s your be all and end all, Kirill, you might need help.”

I give Tino the bird and scoot down on the soft sofa, until I’m almost horizontal.

“She’ll be with us again. I’ve basically threatened her that if she doesn’t then we’ll show everyone what a slut she is.” Dom laughs darkly.

Tino rolls his eyes. “We won’t be showing anyone that footage. If it makes her a slut, then so am I, and worse, I recorded her, so I’d be fucking ruined. Even somewhere like this, I’d be finished.”

“You’re not wrong,” I say thoughtfully. “The bigger question is, why hasn’t she thought of that?”

“What do you mean?” Dom gives me his full attention.

“She’s acting … rash. Like a ball in that game. You know the arcade game with the silver balls.”

“Pinball?” Dom asks.

“Yes, this. She’s like a pinball, careening all over the place, and no reasoning behind her actions. Or very little. But why? Why hasn’t she figured some shit out?”

“She’s at least figured out what this place really is.” Dom takes the joint from Tino and takes a drag. “That took her long enough.”

I ponder his words, tapping my lip. “You know when you don’t think clearly?”

“When you want pussy?” Tino supplies.

“No, asshole. You don’t think clearly when you’re scared. Panicked. She’s so frightened of something, she can’t think clearly.”

Dom laughs. “Yeah, she’s scared of us, as she should be.”

I shake my head. “No, I don’t think it’s that. You could see it in her before she even knew who we were. She came here like that. I think she’s got something she’s hiding.”

Tino drops back into his chair, clearly changing his mind about leaving. “What are you thinking?”

“That if we can figure out what it is, we can use it against her. We could get her to do whatever we want.”

Dom sits up. “Like get her to leave.”

I exchange a glance with Valentino. Neither of us would say it out loud, but I can tell we’re both thinking the same thing. We don’t really want our pretty Duchess to go. We’re having far too much fun. But Dom is our brother, and we’ll do anything for him, even help him get rid of a girl that we’d much rather keep for ourselves.

Suddenly, the power goes out, plunging us into darkness. We have the red glow from the furnace and the tip of the joint, but otherwise it’s pitch black.

My entire body freezes, and I clutch the edges of the couch as though I’m afraid it’s going to come alive beneath me and toss me off. My heart pounds hard against the inside of my ribs, and I’m sure it might explode. An iron band wraps around my lungs and squeezes all the air out of me. I try to draw a new breath, but I can’t.