It’s not that I love her. I almost laugh at the thought as I dodge a sharp jab to my ribs. I like playing with her, though. Both her mind and her body.


My pretty doll.

In the glen, she was my tear-stained doll, and then my cum-covered doll.

I don’t want Dom to chase my doll away.

Maybe I ought to try to create a threesome between us and see if a proper taste of her can persuade him to keep her around?

Louis lands another hit, this time a kick to my upper thigh, and it’s far too close to my balls for comfort.

Focus, motherfucker.

I shake it out, loosening my shoulders and arms as I bounce on my feet.

He glances at something and, for a moment, he seems distracted. Curious, I move us around the ring, using my size to hustle him into changing positions and look where he was focused.

Mack. That fucker was looking at Mack, and she’s still looking at him. Not me. Him.

Fury tears through me, jolting me to my core. These fights are not personal, and to be honest, I don’t like them. As if we’d be using our fists like this on the streets. We aren’t fucking foot soldiers. We have those to do this for us. I’d be straight to guns if anyone came for me out in the world, but the college has this as part of its pedigree and a lot of the parents get kudos from their kids doing well in the fights. My father included.

Now, though, Louis has gone and made this personal. No one gets to look at my pretty little Mackenzie doll that way unless it’s one of my soul brothers.

One of my fellow Devils.

I know the Vipers think they’re on the same level as us, but that’s bullshit. There are other gangs within Verona Falls, and they all want our superiority. It helps that Domenic is the dean’s son. None of these other assholes have that on their side.

I let the fury burn through me as if it’s fuel and focus on nothing but Louis’ handsome, smug face. Does Mackenzie think he’s handsome? Most women do.

I hate the thought, and a possessiveness I’ve never felt before roars through me. Gritting my teeth, I growl low and feral, and rear back with my fists before pounding Louis in a brutal, one-two hit.

A punch to the gut, and an upper cut to the face.

He staggers back, and I follow. Now he’s stunned, I need to make quick work of finishing this.

Normally, I don’t go for the face. With my strength, I don’t need to. I can break a few ribs and put my opponents out of any fights for a couple of months. This time, though, I don’t sugarcoat it.

Two punches crunch Louis’ nose under my fist. He swears, and blood spurts from his ruined nose to cover me.

He yells in agony as he covers his nose with his hands and goes down. I kick him in the stomach for good measure, but Vladimir is already holding my arm, checking me.

“That’s going to be a costly plastic surgery bill, there, Louis.” Vladimir shakes his head as he pushes me away and then leans down to help Louis up. “Next time, remember that a pretty face isn’t worth losing your nose for.”

Vladimir laughs at his own joke. I don’t join in. He reminds me too much of my father. He’s a sick fuck who likes to make us hate one another and fight each other. It’s not him in the ring, is it? He’s not the one having to take the punches. It’s easy to joke and laugh when he’s not the one being hurt.

Louis throws me a rage-filled look of pure vitriol and storms off to join his twin. Vladimir holds my hand in the air. “Our champion for South House tonight, and now undefeated for the third fight in a row, is Kirill.”

The crowd roars and cheers but I look for only one face, but she’s gone.

Mackenzie isn’t there.

Chapter 33


I’m shaking as I dry my hands on the thick paper towels in the restroom in the bar. As soon as the fight finished, I rushed back here and broke my no alcohol rule. I had Camile get one of the boys to buy me a small glass of wine and let the warmth of it fill me. It didn’t stop the cold inside.