Though my thoughts are on the notebook, it’s the pen my fingers find purchase on.

Right as he’s about to ram his cock inside me, I pick up the pen.

He won’t stop.

I must make him stop.

He might kill me.

Survival kicks in, hard and fast.

I don’t think. I just do.

I drive the pointed end into his neck.

Everything stops.

He lets out a strange little gurgle and rolls off me.

Dazed, I just lie there, staring at the ceiling, unable to move. I can’t believe what’s just happened, but I’m grateful it’s over. My breath leaves my lungs in tiny, panicked gasps, and my heart smashes against the inside of my ribcage like it’s trying to escape.

Still, I don’t move. Don’t think I can. My legs and fingers tingle with numbness.

Then I become aware of the odd noises he’s making and turn to look.

Paxton is lying on his back, the pen I’d been holding moments earlier now sticking out of the side of his neck. A bubble of bright red blood swells between his lips, thick and shiny, and then bursts. His eyes slip shut.

Oh, fuck. Oh, Jesus Christ.

I throw myself away from him, stomach churning, and tumble off the side of the bed. I have to get out of here. I yank my clothes back into place, snatch up my torn panties, and then look around.

Is he dead? Have I killed him? I go to him and lift my hands, wanting to do something to help him, but I don’t know what to do.

“Please, no, don’t die.”

He tried to hurt me, but we shared something, and now he’s like this, because of me. What have I done? I’ve never been so scared. Distraught.

My DNA must be all over this place. Shit, shit, shit.

I grab my belongings and stuff them into my bag. It’s not enough. I know it’s not enough, but it’s all I can think to do. My hand shakes as I take my phone from my bag and call the one person in the world I trust.

She answers within two rings. “Mackenzie?”

“Mom,” I say, my voice too high-pitched, verging on the edge of tears.

“Honey, what’s wrong?”

“I’ve done something, Mom. Something really bad.”

“Did you get into another fight?” Her voice is tight and anxious.

I’ve always been the quiet, calm girl, but recently, since losing my father, I’ve not been regulating my emotions as well. It culminated with me getting in a fight, and accidentally breaking another girl’s nose. I’d been defending a friend, but that didn’t matter to the other girl’s family who threatened to press charges.

“No, it’s worse than that. Much, much worse. I need your help. I think I just killed my professor.”

Chapter 2
