I remember the note. “You’d left me a note that was signed from the Devils. I thought maybe there was more than one of you.”

“Oh, shit, sorry. Force of habit. It was only me.”

Much of the stress I’d been experiencing since waking up this morning leaves my muscles, and I let out a deep sigh of relief. I wonder why they go around signing notes as the three of them. Do they get with women together? The thought has a momentary throb of excitement pulsing at my core, but I push it away, disgusted at myself.

“Thank you for taking care of me.” I smile.

“Anytime…and Duchess?”


“If I ever get you into bed naked, I absolutely guarantee you will not be waking up alone the next morning.”

My cheeks flush with heat. “Oh.”

He nudges his thigh against mine and leans in closer, lowering his voice. “And I love seeing you blush, too. Such a pretty shade. Makes me wonder what other parts of your body would turn such an enticing color.”

I draw in a breath, and my nipples tighten. A rush of warmth floods between my thighs, and I press them together. I want Valentino. There’s no doubting that. The last thing I need is to get involved with another man, but dating Tino will give me some kind of standing in this place. He’ll protect me from the likes of Dom and Kirill, and he might even get Verity off my back. Maybe it means I’ll be using him, but I’m past caring.

“Which parts in particular?” I find myself murmuring.

“I bet your ass would look incredible with my handprint on it.”

I can barely believe we’re having this conversation while sitting in the middle of the cafeteria, surrounded by people. He’s so blatant, and while it excites me, I’m also not the kind of person to be so obvious.

“Tino!” I exclaim.

He grins. “You did ask.”

“I know. Forget I said anything.”

The grin doesn’t leave his face. “Not going to happen.”

“What are you two talking about?” Dom interrupts us.

Jesus. Talk about a bad penny. He just keeps showing up.

I pick up a couple of items from my tray and get to my feet.

“None of your business.” I glance down at Tino. “See you later?”


I shoot a final glare at Dom and then stalk out of the cafeteria, careful to avoid any misplaced feet this time.

I’ve got thirty minutes until my next class, and I’m feeling well enough to spend that time on some yoga practice since I missed my normal morning session. Though I’m sure the university has a gym somewhere, I’ve yet to find it. Besides, I want privacy, so I head back to my room.

I reach my bedroom door and fish my key out of my purse.

“Mackenzie, there you are.” I turn at my mother’s voice.

“Oh, hi, Mom.”

“I’ve been worried about you.”

“You could have called me or texted.”

She folds her arms. “I did.”