What world? The kind of rich elite they are? They are that bad? I open my mouth to say something but snap it shut when Nataniele walks into the room.

“Class.” He nods.

“Good morning, Dean Rossi,” the class say as one.

“Today I am taking the class, as your regular teacher is sick. So, I believe we are reading a classic of literature, Great Expectations?”

“Yes, Dean,” Verity simpers at him with a soft smile.

“She’s so far up his ass, she can see his tonsils from the other end,” Camile whispers.

I snort laugh and try to pass it off as a cough when Nataniele’s head swivels my way.

“Something amusing, Mackenzie?” he asks.

“No, I, erm, got something in my throat.”

“Yeah, Tino’s dick,” Verity says, loud enough for me to hear but not Nataniele at the front of the class.

Her words make my cheeks burn, but they also make me hot and bothered as the images of doing that to Tino flit through my mind. He’s undeniably gorgeous. He’s also got a sexy kind of power around him. Unlike Kirill, who goes through life seemingly showboating, whether by openly intimidating people or dancing like Magic Mike. Tino, on the other hand, is quiet but charismatic. He’s got that soul-deep confidence, I do believe, where you don’t need to show off.

Dom, on the other hand, simply acts like an asshole to most of the people around him.

Tino has the looks and charm to go through life being laidback and easy-going, and it makes him hard to resist.

“Well, now that you’ve cleared your throat, why don’t you read for us?” He smiles at me, but it’s cold.

“I don’t think your new stepdaddy likes you very much,” Verity whispers again.

“Ignore her. Just read. Page fifty,” Camile says.

I hate that the term started before I arrived, so I missed some lessons. Opening the book at page fifty, I get to my feet and begin to read.

“Louder, please,” Nataniele demands imperiously.

He’s enjoying this. Being an asshole to me is giving him satisfaction, and he’s loving this. He knows what I did. He has that knowledge to hold over both me and my mom.

Fuming, I read, trying to keep the pout out of my voice. If he knows he is getting to me, he’ll probably do it more.

I ought to speak to Mom, but that might cause issues between them if she says something.

He doesn’t pick on me any further, and I finish reading after ten pages, my face on fire by the time I sit down.

“Thank you, Mackenzie,” Nataniele says. “Now, what do we think is meant by this chapter’s focus on the way Pip behaves to others? Is he a hero in any way? Or is he as deeply flawed as everyone else in the story?”

A heated debate starts, but I zone out. As the minutes tick by, dragging us closer and closer to lunchtime, I know sooner rather than later, I will see my nemesis Dom again and his hangers-on, and I’m dreading it.

Chapter 13


When Mackenzie enters the cafeteria at lunchtime, she looks nervous. She ought to. The girl got drunk out of her mind last night and ended up dancing with me and Tino, and it was the hottest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I can be a cocky asshole when I want to be, and most women love my body and my moves, but Mack seems somewhat immune to my charms.

I think I scare her.

My cock quite likes scaring her. I like that she’s nervous and unsure around me. Would she be like that if we fucked? I think she’s scared of Dom, too, but in a different way. She seems to hate him along with the wariness.

Tino, though, he’s got her panting already. Women love him, but they all misjudge him.