I breathe a sigh of relief as I spot Valentino approaching me. My heart thumps at the sight of him. His dark hair seems even more tousled than normal, and a cute smile touches his lips.

He holds something out to me. “For you.”

He hands me a small box with a ribbon tied around it. It looks like a jewelry box. That’s the last thing I expected. I hope he hasn’t gotten me anything expensive. It’s not like we’re together. I experience a flash of guilt at the memory of my time with Kirill in the meadow. Would Valentino have bought me a gift if he knew what I’d done?

I smile at Tino and pull off the ribbon. I open the lid and find myself frowning down at the contents.

“What’s this?”

It’s a flash drive. That’s so weird.

“Look at it later,” he says. “Enjoy the party first, then open your present … in private.”

“Are you not going to tell me what’s on it?”

He throws me a wink. “That would ruin the surprise.”

I have to admit I’m curious, but I can’t leave the party to find out. Besides, I don’t want him to think I’m too interested. I assume this also means Kirill hasn’t told him about us being together.

I barely have time to give it any more thought as Camile slams into me, giving me a huge hug and screaming ‘happy birthday’ in my face. She grabs my hand and hauls me onto the dance floor.

“This is amazing,” she says as we dance. She has to lean in and speak up to be heard over the music. “I can’t believe the Devils did this for you. You must be really making an impression on them.”

A flash of Kirill coming all over me in the field jumps into my head, and I clear my throat.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“And there was me thinking Dom would hate his dad marrying another woman after his mom dying like that. You obviously sweetened the deal.”

Dying like that? I don’t push her for more information—it’s not the right time—but I’m still interested. It occurs to me that Dom and I might have more in common than we’ve given ourselves credit for. We’ve both lost parents we loved at the same time in life. Maybe it’s not the nicest thing to bond over, but it’s something.

I can’t help searching the crowds for them. They put this party on for me, so I feel like they’d want to say happy birthday. At least, I should thank them for the effort. It would be rude not to.

I’m still anxious about seeing Kirill. How will he act around me?

Finally, I spot them over at the bar. They’re surrounded by girls, like their own little gang of groupies. Verity and her friends are with them. I don’t want to approach them while I’m outnumbered. I carefully study their body language for any signs that they might be talking about me, or any dirty looks they shoot my way, but there’s nothing. I take that as a good thing. Kirill must have kept his word and stayed quiet about us.

I carry on dancing. Someone hands me a glass of champagne, and I smile and accept it, though I don’t intend to drink any. As long as I’ve got a drink in my hand, I figure no one will hassle me about not drinking.

The next time I glance over, Dom is standing behind Verity, and he’s got his hand around her throat, while his other hand slides up under her short skirt. Verity is staring right at me, and her face is smug. As if I’d want to be her, being felt up in a bar in front of everyone. Ugh.

Dom’s gaze locks with mine, and he smiles and then winks as his hand slides from view. He’s incorrigible. Verity’s expression changes—her lips parting, her eyes slipping shut. Christ. Is he fingering her in front of everyone? What the fuck is wrong with him?

A stir of jealousy toward Verity that I should not be feeling sours my stomach, and I turn away. I don’t need to see him make her come.

I still feel like I should acknowledge the effort it’s taken for him to do this for me, though. So what if he’s with Verity? He’s allowed to have a girlfriend. It’s nothing to do with me.

Finally, I spot a break in the girl gang and make my excuses to Camile. I wind through all the people to join Dom at the bar. He’s free of Verity’s company for a moment.

“Thanks for doing this,” I say, touching his arm. “It was really kind of you.” I try to seem sincere and friendly.

He shakes off my fingers and shrugs. “Any excuse for a party. Anyway, this is on Tino, more than me.”

I give a half smile. “Right.”

He turns away, ignoring me again. No happy birthday. No ‘are you having fun.’ Nothing.

I’m not going to beg for his attention. Maybe I should be grateful they’re not focusing on me.