She stops by the projector, the lights from it hitting her and making her look otherworldly. “He’s not, though. The same way you’re not, Dom.”

Not thinking things through, just acting on instinct, I stride up to her, grab her throat, and walk her back to the wall. I hold her there, not choking. I don’t hurt women, I remind myself, because fuck me, right now I want to. She’s smiling, though. The bitch is smiling at me.

“You seem stressed, Dom.” She wraps her small hand around my wrist and just holds it. “Maybe I could go and fetch a knife and you could make yourself feel better?”

The world tilts on its axis and the room begins to spin around me. I stare at her, and she stares back, triumphant.

I’m finding it hard to breathe, but I can’t let her know how much her words have torn me down.

“It’s okay, baby,” she says softly, her thumb stroking my inner wrist. “I won’t tell anyone. We can be that team I talked about. You’re strong, in some ways, but you have demons. That’s okay. Let me take care of them.”

I let go of her and walk to the small kitchenette area we set up here in the den. She watches me, her breathing high in her chest and rapid, giving away that she’s nowhere near as calm as she’s pretending to be.

When I turn my back on her, I suck in a gulp of air and try to control the raging anger building in me. It’s not at Verity, though. I don’t give a fuck about her or her games. I’m about to terrify her so much, she’ll never think she can come for me again.

No, my anger, the white-hot, blinding rage, is all for Mackenzie.

That bitch. That two-faced, betraying, little bitch. She’s the only one who can have told Verity.

Why? She hates that girl.

Because she hates you more, a voice says.

I’d been softening. Slowly bending to the idea of her staying here, with us, and becoming a part, somehow, of our three. Well, screw her. If Kirill and Tino think she’s staying now, they’re in for a shock. I’m not only going to get rid of her. I’m going to ruin her life.

But first. First, I’m going to make sure Verity never utters a word of this to anyone.

I turn back to her, swiping the knife through the air as I walk to her.

Her face tightens, the smugness dripping from her like wax off a candle. The closer I get, the more fear creeps into her face.

Yeah, you ought to be scared, little girl, because I’m about to give you the fright of your life.

Chapter 42


The thing about spying on people is that as well as getting an illicit thrill from it, sometimes you find out some really useful shit. This is one of those times. I’m almost humming with the need to show this to Dom and Kirill.

I know Dom said he wanted some time alone, but he’ll be so interested in what I have to show him, he won’t mind me heading down to the den. I text Kirill and tell him to meet me there, too.

I push open the door of the den and freeze.

Dom has Verity on the sofa, her clothes cut from her in tatters and a knife at her breast. He’s not cut her, from what I can see, but what the ever-loving fuck is going on?

“Dom?” My voice cuts through the silence.

Verity isn’t screaming, but tears are streaming down her face.

Dom turns to me, and he grins. The mad motherfucker grins.

“You want to come and take a slice of her before I do?” he asks.

“Dom, what the hell?” My voice is a growl. This isn’t good. He looks feral, and Verity is traumatized.

“Let her go,” I say.

“No. I don’t think so. She needs a lesson first.”