Page 39 of Guarded By Them

Dillon shrugged. “What are we waiting for, then?”

Chapter Thirteen



I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT they’d be waiting for.


With Dillon shot, Ryan needing to rest his leg, and Rue unable to drive, it only made sense that I was the one who got behind the wheel.

The thought filled me with dread, but I needed to deal with this. We were on the run, with some seriously bad guys after us, and I had to get over my fear and do what was needed.

The others left the front of the cabin to join me just off the track where the car had been partly obscured.

I looked to Dillon and the bandage around his leg. What if he’d been hurt even worse, or killed? What if Ryan was unable to wear his prosthesis? What if I was Rue’s only hope of us getting out of here?

I hadn’t been driving because I was afraid of hurting someone I loved, but what if it was that fear that ended up getting Rue or one of the guys killed? I’d reached a point where my fear of hurting someone while I was behind the wheel was being outweighed by my fear of them getting hurt if I didn’t.

“You don’t have to drive if it’s too hard,” Ryan said, knowing exactly what was on my mind without me even having to say a word. “I’m better today. I can do it.”

I shook my head. “No, this car isn’t modified. I need to do this.”

Sucking in a breath, I slid behind the wheel. The seat was soft leather, the scent filling my nostrils. My heart galloped, and I did my best to push away the tidal wave of memories threatening to sweep me away.

Doors slammed around me as Dillon and Rue climbed into the back and Ryan took shotgun. They all sat there, waiting for me. We needed to get away from the cabin; I knew that. We didn’t know who else might show up at any minute, or even if Timmo would change his mind and come after us with the shotgun.

With a trembling hand, I reached out and started the engine. The car hummed to life around me.

My palms were coated with sweat, my heart pounding. I could feel myself pulling away from the world, tunneling into myself. I gripped the steering wheel tighter, trying to prevent my hands from shaking—or at least enough to not let the others see. I was so used to them depending on me. I hated the idea of letting them down.

Come on, Kodee. It’s just driving a fucking car. You’ve done it a thousand times before.

Yes, I had. But not since that day.