Page 65 of Nils

Softly, she says, “Ellie said to tell you that she thinks you should sneak back and say ‘hi’ to her before you leave. I think she mentioned something about a kiss too.”

Damn, this is just too tempting.

So I say to Sammie, “Tell her I’ll find a way to sneak back while the guys are eating their desserts.”

Crumpling the phony check, she tosses it into a wastebasket next to the station.

“Great,” she says loudly. “I’m glad we got that all straightened out, Mr. Sten. I’ll re-key in your entrees.”

Playing along as I prepare to walk away, I say, “Yeah, me too. Thanks for pointing out that error and fixing it.”

On my way back to the table, it’s all I can do not to break into a huge grin.

Sneaky little Ellie. She’s so bad, tempting fate this way.

But that’s one reason why I love her.

I’m right there with her.

I wish I could tell Finn what’s going on, so he’d know that when I announce that I have to hit the men’s room, which is going to be my cover to go see Ellie, he needs to keep Arden occupied.

Hopefully, though, the dessert will do the trick.

When I sit back down at the table, the sweet confections are starting to arrive.


When Arden’s cheesecake is placed in front of him, I push out my chair and say, “Hey, I’ll be back. I’m going to hit the men’s room.”

No one pays me much heed, which is what I expected. I only made the announcement for Arden’s sake, so he’s not wondering where I went.

I try to get Finn’s attention so I can shoot him a meaningful glance or some shit, but he’s busy talking to Hayden.

Oh well, I’ll only be a minute or so.

Then we’ll all be out of here and on our way to our homes, no harm, no foul.

One little pit stop to give my girl a kiss?

Hell, it’s worth taking a chance.

Besides, I’m sure everything will be fine.


It’s boring hanging out alone in the break room. A couple of the other girls stopped in earlier, but for the past twenty minutes or so, it’s been just me.

I guess it’s too busy out there for anyone to pop in. It’s even been a while since Sammie was here.

Letting out a low grumble and jumping up from my seated position, for about the tenth time so far, I start pacing back and forth.

That’s when I get the brainstorm to have Sammie send Nils back.


I mean, he can’t leave without me seeing him, right?

The guys have to be done with dinner and close to taking off. I bet his teammates are all talking among themselves. Surely they wouldn’t notice if Nils leaves the table for a couple of minutes. He can pretend like he’s going to the men’s room.