Page 63 of Nils

Nils: Fuck, babe. Arden wants to come along now. This is crazy. He never wants to go out with the guys. Is there any way you can end your shift early and go home?

After I read the texts, I lower my feet from the table, lean forward, and place my head in my hands.


There’s no point in even replying to Nils. I can’t leave work. Besides, his last text was ten minutes ago. They’re probably almost here.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I mutter into my hands. “I am so fucked.”

Suddenly, I hear Sammie ask, “What’s going on, Ellie? Why are you ‘so fucked’?”

I look up, and, man, am I glad she just walked in. I need a friend to confide in.

After she sits down across from me in the other red chair, I explain the situation to her.

Biting her lip, she asks, “Your brother has no idea you work here?”

I shake my head. “No, and he won’t like it. He’s the stereotypical overprotective older brother. But he’ll really be disappointed if he finds out by catching me here.” Running my hand across my forehead, I lament, “I should have just told him a long time ago.”

“Well, it’s too late for that now,” Sammie says. “But I think I can help.”

“Yeah?” I’m genuinely curious and hopeful. “What are you thinking?”

Crossing her legs, she says, “It’s easy. I’ll just cover your tables for you. You stay here in the break room until they all leave. While they’re here, though, I can run in periodically and keep you posted.”

She’s being so nice, and I appreciate it so much. Her plan is ideal, but I feel bad putting so much on her, especially with how swamped we are.

I let out a sigh. “I don’t know, Sammie. We’re so busy tonight. I feel like this is asking a lot of you.”

“Look,” she begins, “I’ve seen it way busier than this. I can certainly handle tonight’s chaos just fine. Not to mention”—she points at me—“you’re not asking for anything. I’m offering. The other girls will understand, too, once I fill them in.”

I’m cautiously optimistic.

It sounds like this could work, but I’m concerned that our boss won’t approve, so I say softly, “What about Annie? She’s going to be pissed if she sees I’m just chilling back here in the break room while you guys are out there busting your asses.”

Chuckling, Sammie says, “Actually, you have nothing to worry about. As luck would have it, Annie’s son called and needs a ride home from some evening school function. I guess his friends ditched him or something to that effect.”

Now even more excited that this may actually work, I say, “Really? So Annie’s gone?”

“She is.” Sammie nods. “For a little while, at least.”

Relieved, I slump back in the chair and blow out a breath. “You really are a great friend,” I tell her.

And she is.

“Just relax,” she says, smiling as she stands up. “Hang in here. Like I said, I’ll pop in and give you updates when I can. But don’t worry. I’ve got this covered.”

Damn, I think before I text Nils with an update about what’s going on, I hope she’s right.


Right before a group of seven of my teammates and I walk into Boots, I receive a text from Ellie.

I read it surreptitiously as we’re led by a hostess back to a large round table near the rear of the establishment.

Ellie informs me that though she can’t cut her shift short, like I asked if she could, she’s going to stay in the employee break room while Sammie covers her tables.

It’s not ideal, as I’d rather she head out of here and make her way home, but this is better than having her out in the actual dining area, waiting on tables.