Page 52 of Nils

As we’re laughing and enjoying our light breakfast, our phones ding in unison.

Holding the last bite of toast halfway to my mouth, I remark, “Huh. That’s weird.”

“Maybe it’s some kind of an emergency alert,” Nils throws out, shrugging.

“I don’t know about that.” I pop the last of the toast into my mouth and lean over to the nightstand on my side to retrieve my phone.

Nils does the same, reaching for his cell on the stand on his side.

We pick up our phones and peer down at them at the same time.

Almost instantly, I shriek, “Shit, it’s Arden.”

We look up, our eyes meeting in horror. “And he’s on his way over,” Nils says.

“Fuck.” I jump up. “We have to get dressed—and fast. He says he’s in the neighborhood. It won’t take him long to get here.”

It’s amazing how quickly two people can throw on clothes when the threat of being found out is hanging over their heads.

I’ve never tugged on undergarments, jeans, a sweater, and even my fuzzy pink socks so quickly.

Once I’m fully clothed, I look over at Nils. He’s back in his jeans and has his flannel buttoned up over his tee.

Blowing out a breath, he says, “I think we look okay. Wait…” He reaches over and combs his fingers through my hair. “There, that’s better. You were looking a little wild there.”

“Oh, great.” I reach up and comb my fingers through my hair, trying to make myself even more presentable. But I feel like it’s a lost cause. “We are so fucked,” I mutter.

“No, we’re not.” Nils nods once decisively. “We’ve got this, Ellie. Just stay calm.”

“But we didn’t have time to shower,” I lament. “What if we smell like sex? I mean, we’ve been having a lot of it.”

“True.” Nils glances around the bedroom, then he suddenly says, “Wait, I have an idea.”

Quickly, he hurries into his walk-in closet and comes back out with a blue spray bottle.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“Febreze,” he says as he starts spraying it all over his clothes. “What’s their motto? ‘Stink out, freshness in’? I think it’s something like that. Anyway, we should be good if we use this.”

I remind him, “But our clothes aren’t the problem, Nils. We are.”

“Nah.” He hands me the bottle. “I’m telling you, this shit covers up everything. I’ve even sprayed my gear with it.”

I raise a brow. “And it worked?”

“It did.”

“Let’s hope you’re right,” I murmur softly as I spray away.

When I feel that I sufficiently smell like fresh laundry, I nod. “Okay, let’s do this. Hopefully, Arden won’t suspect anything. I’m not ready for his wrath. I mean, I know he’ll have to find out about us eventually, but not yet.”

Nils agrees that now is not the time to hit him with the news, and then, sucking in a few final sobering breaths, we head downstairs.

Just in time, too, as the doorbell is ringing.

“Oh, geez.” I cringe. “I think he’s going to know.”

“No,” Nils insists. “We’re fine.”