Page 3 of Nils

“No, thanks.” I shake my head. “I do like wings with a kick, but the burger and fries should be enough.”

Nodding, he walks away.

And now I wish he’d come back.

Or that the third period of the game would start.

Because all of those things that were weighing on my mind earlier are rushing back as fast as the rain is pounding down on the metal roof above us.

Things like…

I can’t believe I dropped out of law school only one week into the fall semester.

Okay, in my defense, I did take a deferment, but still, I’m officially gone from the University of Chicago. At least, for now.

I’m actually gone from the whole city, seeing as I sublet my little furnished apartment for the remaining term of my lease.

So yeah, there’s no going back to Chicago.

I knew I certainly was not going home to Toronto with my tail between my legs to stay with my parents. I told my brother, Arden, that, and because he knows where I’m at in my life—namely confused and unsure of what I want to do next—he generously offered for me to come to Atlanta and stay with him for a while in order to sort things out.

He’s kind of an awesome brother like that, which is good since he’s my only sibling.

I told him that I’m fine with the Atlanta part, as I could use a change of scenery, but I absolutely will not be staying at his house.

His girlfriend, Willow, just moved in recently, and I don’t want to be that annoying third wheel, throwing a wrench into their new life together.

So yeah, no, I’m fine with living at one of those extended stay hotels, or something like that.

I told Arden how I felt, but he’s not thrilled with my decision. Too bad, it is what it is. I am not bending on the accommodations situation.

Hell, I don’t even know how long I want to stay in Atlanta. I guess it all depends on how things go. That would include my fun, throw-caution-to-the-wind little “side project.”

Thinking about that project and who it involves makes me smile.

It also gives me a little thrill.

But there’s no time to think about that now, as my burger and fries just arrived.

“Thanks,” I tell the bartender as he sets the plate in front of me. “This looks delicious.”

It really does too. The burger is juicy and huge, and the fries appear to be fresh cut ones.

“Enjoy,” he says as he lifts a pitcher of sweet tea from behind the bar. “Would you like a refill on your drink, Ellie?”

Smiling, I check out his name tag, which I should have done earlier. “Sure, Jeff.”

Chuckling and shaking his head, he refills my drink.

I thank him again, and he walks down along the bar to tend to other customers.

Taking a big bite out of my burger, which is freaking awesome, I set it back down on the plate and swipe my mouth with a paper napkin.

Looking up at the TV, I see the third period of the game is just getting underway.

The camera pans to the Thunder bench, and, hey, there’s my brother. Seeing him, even if it is only on the TV, makes me smile.

I’m excited to see him again in person.