Page 23 of Nils

The lack of customers gives me pause and makes me worry how many tips I could really make here.


But I put my concerns behind me, as I need a job.

The interview goes well, and Barb hires me on the spot.

As I’m leaving, an employee, clearly finishing her shift based on her black pants and regulation black polo, follows me. She’s juggling her purse and a large cloth tote, which is slipping from her hand, so I hold the door for her.

“Thanks,” she says as she readjusts her bags, one over each shoulder.

I smile. “No worries.”

The girl is pretty. She has auburn hair, pulled up in a high ponytail, green eyes, and a smattering of freckles across her nose.

I start to walk to my car, and she continues to follow me, explaining that she’s parked on the same side as me.

“I’m not a creeper, I promise,” she says.

I just laugh.

I get the sense she has something she wants to tell me, but I have no clue what that could be.

Is the restaurant closing permanently or something along those lines? Could be, since it isn’t that busy during a time when it should be bustling.

Well, it’s not something I’m going to worry about now.

Just as I’m about to jump into my car, the girl stops and says, “Hey, can I ask you a question?”

With my hand on the top of my open door, I say, “Yeah, sure.”

She walks over to where I’m standing and asks, “Are you planning on working here?”

“Uh-huh.” I nod. “Barb, your manager, just hired me.”

She smiles. “Aw, Barb is a sweetheart. But I should warn you, it’s pretty slow most of the time. I mean, we get some business, sure. But tips really aren’t what they should be.”

“Ugh.” I blow out a frustrated breath. “I was afraid of that. I guess I could try some other restaurants.” I glance around the busy business area. “There seems to be a lot of options around here.”

“There are.” She hesitates, then asks, “Is it okay if I suggest one in particular?”

I’m not sure where this is going, or why she’s being so helpful, but I shrug and say, “Sure.”

Before she gives me her “suggestion,” she says, “I’m Sammie, by the way.”

“Oh, I’m Ellie. Nice to meet you.”

“You too. So, anyway…” She releases a breath. “I swear I’m not a weirdo or anything, like I said before. But the fact is you’re really pretty, and I know a place where you can make five times the tips you’ll make here. Probably more than that even. I work there myself.” She lifts the tote strap off her shoulder an inch or so and says, “That’s what’s in here—my other uniform. I’m heading there next.”

I’m really curious, so I cross my arms and say, “Okay, I’m listening. What is this fabulous place with the great tips?”

Straightening the tote on her shoulder, she says, “Well, first, have you ever heard of Tilted Kilt or Hooters?”

“Yep.” I nod. “I’ve heard of both of them.”

She goes on. “Good. So, the place I’m talking about is not one of those, but it’s a lot like them. The food is a little more upscale, but anyway.” She waves her hand. “It’s still a waitressing gig, like here at Applebee’s, but the outfit you wear is kind of skimpy.” I frown, and she quickly adds, “It’s nothing too revealing, okay? You’d be wearing a white button-down blouse tied at the waist, a short red-and-black plaid skirt with black boy shorts underneath, and high leather boots with heels. I mean, I don’t want to scare you away.”

“Don’t worry,” I assure her, chuckling. “I’m not scared. I’m actually intrigued. Tell me more.”