Page 18 of Nils

Oooh, but when that man gets back, he’d better watch out.

’Cause this is so fucking on!

The next morning, after I take a shower and throw on black leggings and a navy blue blouse, I pad down to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I discover the fridge and pantry are well stocked with lots of options, but I opt for just cereal and a glass of orange juice.

Sitting down at the table, I fill the bowl with cereal, then milk, all the while thinking, Man, the house sure is quiet.

Nils is gone, as I knew he’d be. He told me last night, before we parted ways in the upstairs hallway next to my bedroom, that the team was flying out early this morning.

I replied, “Well, have a good trip and win all of your games. I’ll see you when you get back.”

Chuckling, he said, “Yeah, thanks. We’ll try.” He then shifted from one foot to the other as he ran his fingers through his sexy, mussed-up hair. Hair that I’d like to run my fingers through. After a pause, he cocked his head and with his emerald eyes meeting mine, he added, “Maybe we can have another movie night when I get back.”

Inside, I was all like Yes!

But I kept myself composed as I said, calmly and in an even tone, “Sure, that’d be fun.”

“Great.” He turned to leave. “Then I guess I’ll see you in a few days. Good night, Ellie.”

I popped open the door to my room and murmured, “’Night, Nils.”

Is it crazy that I can’t wait to see him again?

Unfortunately, I have a few days to wait.

And I better get used to it.

It’s going to be like this the whole time I’m here.

That gets me to thinking that having a plan to make Nils mine is not enough. I need something more to do, something productive, something to keep me busy.

Dipping my spoon into my cereal, I say out loud, “I need a job.”

Yeah, that’d be perfect. I can bring in some money and contribute, as well, without dipping into my savings. Despite what Nils said, I plan to help out in some way to repay his kindness. Buying groceries and cooking a few meals would be a good start.

As I eat my breakfast, I think about my job options.

I bet I can get back on with Applebee’s pretty easily. I made good tips this summer. And wouldn’t you know it; I even packed my “uniform”—black pants and a black polo-style shirt with their logo—in case I did decide to go this route.

I’m sure there’s an Applebee’s close by, right?

I mean, they’re all over the country.

I check my phone and discover there’s one only five miles away.

Perfect—looks like I know exactly where I’ll be going today.


Iwonder how Ellie is doing back in Atlanta. I hate to admit it, but she’s been on my mind a lot.

And she’s certainly starred in a few of my fantasies.

I could always text her, but that might be weird. I have no real reason to, and when we exchanged phone numbers, it was only in case one of us really needed to reach the other.

It wasn’t for the purpose of checking in.