Page 8 of Nils

Even if she is, it’s not like I’m some caveman.

I can control myself.

I’m sure she can too.

We’ll simply be two adults sharing space, nothing more, nothing less.


Ipull up to Arden’s house a few minutes after midnight. When I left the sports bar, the rain had thankfully passed.

It was smooth sailing from that point on. I even made up for the time I lost by stopping for a break and a bite to eat.

And now I’m finally here.

Blowing out one long, relieved breath, I cut the engine and unbuckle my seat belt.

Time to go in.

But wait.

I hesitate. I don’t want to just go up to the door and ring the doorbell. That would most likely wake up Willow. That’s not good, as she has to be at work early tomorrow morning.

She told me as much the last time we talked. In fact, she was bummed she couldn’t stay up and welcome me.

I’m sad, too, but I’ll see her tomorrow.

I can’t wait.

Willow and I, though we haven’t met in person, get along really well. Once she and Arden were officially a couple, he introduced her to me on a Zoom call.

We hit it off and bonded right away. We actually talk a lot. Maybe that’s because we’re only a year apart. Plus, one of our favorite things to do is tease Arden about his age. He turned thirty this past spring, and we like to remind him all the time.

Good thing my brother has a good sense of humor.

Speaking of which, I’m ready to finally see him!

Smiling, I take my phone out of my purse and text Arden a simple I’m here!

I should have just done that from the start. He’s probably anxiously awaiting my arrival.

Whoa, he is. He just busted out of the front door and is practically running down to my car.

Laughing, I pop open the driver-side door and jump out just as he rushes over to me.

Grabbing me up in a big, brotherly hug, he says, “Hey, Ellie. It’s so fucking good to see you. I’m glad you’re finally here.”

Even though we text and FaceTime a lot, it’s been a while since I’ve seen my brother in person.

That’s why I hold onto him extra long.

Finally, I let go and step back.

Smiling, I tell him, “It has been too long. I missed you, big bro.”

“I missed you too,” he says. And then, raising a concerned brow, he asks, “How was the drive? Did you run into any rain?”

He knows my feelings on driving in the dreaded wet stuff.