Page 7 of Nils

Arden’s brow creases, like he’s not sure why I’m offering for his sister to stay with me. I’m sure he’s wondering if I have good intentions…or bad.

Nothing but good, I want to say.

But Finn is distracting me.

He’s also looking over at me, but his expression is more one of confusion as to why I’m even throwing out an offer like this.

I don’t know why myself.

I guess I just want to be nice.

Arden is such a good guy, and he really is my best friend. His sister shouldn’t have to be stuck in a hotel somewhere.

Still, to make it clear that my intentions are nothing but pure, I amend, “I mean she can stay at my house, not with me. It’s just…” I sigh. “I have plenty of room. And we’re on the road so much during the season. I won’t even be around that much. And, Arden, you’re like a damn brother to me. Both you dudes are. Hey, maybe Ellie can be the sister I never had.”

Why do I have a sudden feeling that statement is going to bite me in the ass?

Shaking my head, I shrug it off.

Then I look around the table to see how what I just said is being received.

Okay, Arden looks relieved. He also looks like he’s seriously considering taking me up on my offer.

But Finn is still peering over at me like I’m asking for trouble down the road.

Good God, what does he think?

That I’m going to make a move on Arden’s little sister?

Or that I’m trying to set up a live-in hookup situation?

Neither is true. I’d never do anything like that.

Like I told Arden, his sister may as well be my sister.

So, rolling my eyes at Finn, I mutter under my breath, “Dude, come on.”

He just puts his hands up and, making a whatever face, gets to work on cutting his steak.

Thankfully, Arden appears to be lost in thought. He’s not even paying attention to us.

Looking over at him, I ask, “So, what do you think, Arden?”

Shrugging, he says, “I like the idea of Ellie staying somewhere safe. And with someone I know I can trust. Your house is probably the next best thing to her living at my place. Let me run it by her, though. It’s her call at the end of the day.”

I nod. “That’s true. It is.”

He releases a breath. “Okay, I’ll ask Ellie and let you know what she says.”

“Perfect,” I reply, nodding.

I’m feeling good about helping out Arden and his sister, but, man, Finn is staring down at his plate and shaking his head, clearly trying not to laugh.

What does he know that I don’t know?

Is Arden’s sister like super hot or something?

Is she crazy gorgeous?