Page 22 of Nils

But since I know I’m right—I hope—I stab a tomato wedge with more force than necessary and say, “Yeah, sure. When you finally meet her, we’ll see how she is with you.”


I don’t like this.

Why does the thought of Ellie flirting with Finn bother me so much?

It shouldn’t, not at all, but it does.

So, what does that say about me and how I feel about her?

Nothing I care to think about right now.


Autumn in the south sure is different from autumn in the north. While the leaves on the trees in Chicago are surely in full color change right about now, some probably even falling off, here in Atlanta there’s just the slightest hint of yellow and splashes of orange.

And the weather?

Don’t even get me started.

It’s so sunny and warm out today that it’s to the point of being almost downright hot.

No, check that—it is hot.

That’s why I’ve chosen a light flouncy floral sundress and sandals to wear for my job hunt.

Not that it’s much of a “hunt.” I’m only trying Applebee’s. In fact, I’m on my way there now. Hopefully, they’ll have an opening for a server.

Then again, isn’t everyone looking for employees these days?

I should be good.

When I reach Applebee’s, I pull into their lot and park in a space on the side of the restaurant.

As I’m walking in, I see that, sure enough, there’s a big “Now Hiring” sign on the door.

Cool. With my experience working at one of their Chicago locations over the summer, I should get hired today.

Once I’m inside, I ask the hostess if I can see the manager. I explain that I’m looking for a job and that I worked at an Applebee’s recently.

She turns to head to the back, tossing over her shoulder, “Just one minute. I’ll see if our manager is busy.”


As I wait, I shift from one foot to the other. But I’m not waiting long. The manager, an older lady, her dark hair pulled up in a tight bun with graying at her temples, comes out to greet me so quickly, it’s not even funny.

“Hi.” She extends her hand, and says warmly, “I’m Barb. I hear you’re interested in becoming a server here at Applebee’s and that you have experience at one of our restaurants in the Chicago area?”

“Yes, I am.” I shake her hand. “And I do have experience. Oh, by the way, I’m Ellie.”

“Nice to meet you, Ellie.” She motions for me to follow her. “Let’s sit down in a booth, and we can talk further.”


I follow her to a booth just a few feet away. We sit down across from each other.

Glancing around, I note that it’s not very busy, even though it’s only a little after one. There should be a much larger lunch crowd.