Page 20 of Nils

Okay, it’s not quite the same, as my longing to get back and see Ellie is more about wanting to get to know her better.

Only as a friend, of course.

That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway.

Finn laughs and says something else about Arden getting old.

Our friend snorts. “Ah, fuck off, you two. You’re right behind me. Only three more years and you’ll both be thirty as well.”

“Shit, he has a point,” Finn says.

Chuckling, I reply, “Great. We can all ship off to the retirement home together.”

Arden, playing along, starts to back away.

Pointing at us, he says, “Just know I play a mean game of bingo, boys. Better brush up on your skills.”

I snort. “Fuck bingo. We’ll be playing cards, like we do on the team plane.”

Finn, his expression turning serious, says, “Now, wait just a minute. Can we bet on bingo? If so, let’s not rule it out.”

Laughing and turning away, Arden waves goodbye and throws out over his shoulder, “Finn, you can bet on anything in this life. Haven’t you figured that out by now?”

Shit, he’s right.

If he only knew that Finn and I have a current wager on his baby sister.

Yeah, I think we’ll keep that one to ourselves.

As Arden turns a corner and walks out of view, Finn and I cross over to the restaurant.

This is the first I’ve had any real alone time with him. It always seems like someone is around, usually Arden. I sure as hell can’t express my real thoughts on Ellie in front of him.

But I can to Finn.

So, as we reach the entrance of the restaurant, I stop and say, “By the way, speaking of bets and all that, you weren’t fucking kidding about Arden’s sister.”

Laughing, he says, “She’s beautiful, right?”

I nod. “Stunning.”

“And that body?” he asks, raising a brow.


“Told you so,” he gloats.

What can I say?

He sure the fuck did.

But that doesn’t mean I’m losing the wager.

I tell him as much, and he says, “We’ll see about that. I think you’d better get that Range Rover detailed and ready for me.”

I chortle, “You wish. You’ll be eating your words when I’m cruising around in your Escalade.”

That makes him laugh. “You’re delusional, man.” Opening the restaurant door, he says, “Time will tell, but until then, let’s fucking eat.”