Score another one for the assistant.

Chapter Two


I study my alpha during the executive meeting Tuesday.

Brick is in a particular rage today, and I suspect it has everything to do with the fact that he hasn’t gotten rid of that uppity human secretary of his.

He’s waited too long to find a mate, and now his wolf is hungry for any female–even a human. It’s dangerous for an alpha wolf not to mate. A wolf that strong will go nuts without a female if he hasn’t mated by mid-life.

He said he would get rid of her, but she’s still here.

It makes me want to howl.

We’re tossing the racquetball around the room high-speed while we talk–something we started back at Yale as a way to keep our wolves from getting restless when we had to study for finals. We hurl the ball at each other without a pattern, testing our reflexes, trying to get someone to miss.

No one ever does. This is good because at the velocity we throw, we could break a window or put a hole in a wall with it.

I want to study the secretary, but every time I look her way, Brick beans the ball in the direction of my face.

I never thought I’d see my Alpha take his eyes off the prize, distracted by a human no less. His interest in her puts our entire pack in danger.

I never trusted her. She came in here doing and saying everything right.

Red fucking flag.

No one can please Brick. He’s a hardass who never stops demanding from his employees and never stops working himself, except to let his wolf off-leash on the weekends to keep from going moon mad. That’s what made Moon Co explode into a net worth of eighty-nine billion in the matter of seven years.

She doesn’t get ruffled, even when he’s particularly dickish. She seems to anticipate exactly what he needs, and she never says anything wrong.

She’s too good. Underneath her placid expression, I can sense her mind whirring at high speed, working on multiple fronts at once. My instincts say she has more than one agenda. She has her sights on Brick. Or she’s a spy sent from Adalwulf.

I intend to find out.

The ball whizzes around, faster than we’ve ever volleyed it before, and I finally figure out what has Brick on edge. The secretary leans forward, both her elbows on the table with her forearms pushing her cleavage up, which might not be a big deal, except she’s wearing one of those dresses with a cutout over her cleavage, making a perfect window to the curve of her breasts.

I actually hear a snarl from Brick, and he hurls the ball at Nickel without looking away from the secretary’s chest.

He’s acting protective. Out of control.

Like a wolf in rut.

I bet the little minx loves it.

Nickel hurls the ball at Vance who sends it to me, but the secretary picks that moment to lean forward, probably to give Brick an even better view.

She probably can’t even see the ball flying at her head fast enough to give her a black eye, and it’s too late–

Except Noah, our spreadsheet guy, heroically throws himself out of his chair to catch the ball just before it smashes into her.

Everyone’s looking at the secretary and Noah, but I’m watching Brick. A mixture of relief and anger alternately flicker over his expression.

He settles on anger. “What in the hell were you doing?” he demands of Vance, his eyes flashing amber. His wolf is close to the surface. I’ve never seen him so out of control.

Vance throws his hands up in the air. “Sorry, Madison. I didn’t know you were coming in.”

Brick turns to Noah and says grimly, “Thank you for saving my assistant from a goddamn concussion.”