I’m giving Billy too much credit. She didn’t end things because of him, but it gives me a cheap satisfaction to have someone besides myself to blame for it.

Madison has been well-defended from the beginning, and I’ve done nothing to knock down those walls. Given her nothing. Made her no promises. Of course she broke it off when we started to experience real affection for each other. But what could I offer her?

“Arrange the trip to Sweden for the Winter Pack Games.”

“Consider it done.” Billy wisely keeps the chortle of glee out of his voice, but I can imagine his triumphant expression. Cock sucker.

It only adds to my piss-off that he was probably right all along. I need to stop wasting my attention on my beautiful assistant and expend every effort to find an alpha she-wolf to mate.

If I don’t, I will be consumed by moon madness.

Chapter Thirteen


“Windows.” Blackthroat stands in the doorway of his office instead of calling me on the intercom. He’s shadow-eyed again today, his expression stamped in a deep scowl. It appears he forgot to shave this morning, or he slept at the office because his jaw is stubbled with more than a five o’clock shadow.

He’s truly been on a rampage–firing ten people in the two days he’s been back since the weekend. I’ve heard him slamming and throwing things in his office. Pacing. Raising his voice on the phone. Barking at nearly everyone, including his executive team.

Unbelievably, none of his anger has been directed toward me. It’s almost like he’s purposely walking on eggshells. With me, he’s been totally civil–bordering on polite.

I can’t quite decipher it. Surely he doesn’t believe I would ever file a sexual harassment suit against him. I know I tossed out the notion of me being unfireable after that first time we had sex, but I would never use that against him.

“Yes, sir?”

“Aiden Adalwulf sent me an offer for the Adirondack property. Call him and set up a meeting.”

My brows shoot up. “You’re selling the property you just bought, sir?”

He tugs at the blue striped tie like it’s too tight, even though it’s already much looser than he usually wears it. “Tell him this is his one and only chance to buy it. If he brings me a certified check in the mid eight figures this afternoon, I won’t sell it to the other bidder.”

“Is there another bidder, sir?”

Three months ago I wouldn’t dare ask questions about his business. Three months ago, he would have shredded me like confetti for doing so. Now, though, he simply shakes his head. “There is not. I’m sweating him for sport.”

He seems to be sweating everyone for sport this week.

My beautiful, sadistic boss.

This version of Blackthroat informed my first impression of the man when I came to work at Moon Co. The heartless, callous, pompous Wall Street CEO out for blood all as a form of entertainment.

Is it weird that in addition to finding it sexy in an anti-hero sort of way, I now find him completely relatable? That’s frightening. I probably should get off Wall Street before I become like these people.


I pause with my hand mid-air, already reaching for the phone to call Aiden. Blackthroat’s tie is eskew, and his hair looks like he’s been tunneling fingers through it. “Yes, sir?”

“Don’t wear those dresses anymore.” He doesn’t use his bossman voice with me. The words ring as more of an appeal. Friend to friend. “Please. I truly can’t take it.”

It’s an absurd pronouncement, but for some reason, I believe him. For whatever reason, my billionaire boss seems to actually find me–a young woman barely out of college with mediocre sex appeal, and a strong dose of nerd–to be irresistible.

I can’t fully digest that information–it makes my head swim. I touch the window cut-out of today’s dress. I didn’t wear it to taunt him. The dresses have become part of my identity here.

Blackthroat offers a grim smile. “Expense a new wardrobe. Fly to Paris on my dime to shop. Just please stop with the torture.”

I can’t seem to think of a single response, so I settle for a wobbly nod and “Understood.”

He appears almost pained as he turns away. “Thank you.”