Our just sex arrangement is going to work out perfectly for me. My wolf will stay calm, and I won’t have to figure out what to do about her, beyond being her boss with benefits.

Even so, something about it doesn’t sit right with me. But maybe that’s just my ego. I’m used to women throwing themselves at me, trying to entrap me in a permanent relationship. Maybe my pride can’t take it when the first one I can stand for longer than one night doesn’t show any interest in snaring me.

* * *


“Goodnight, Jerry,” I call to the janitor as I leave for the day.

He’s wearing earbuds, but he must not listen to his music too loudly because he always seems to hear me. He lifts a hand. “Have a good night, Madi.”

Blackthroat offered me a ride home when he left a half an hour ago, but I refused. Things are already weird enough. I don’t need him driving me home like we’re dating.

Instead, Tony’s waiting for me when I exit the building. He smiles as I reluctantly trudge to him. It’s weird to be escorted to and from work in luxury like this, but Tony’s just trying to do his job.

I have him drop me off a block away from my apartment, so I can pick up an order of gluten free eggplant lasagna from my favorite Italian restaurant.

While I’m waiting for my food, I call Aubrey to check in. “Are you at home?”

“I get off in an hour. What’s up? How was torturing the boss?”

“Um… yeah. I slept with him again. Only there was no sleeping involved.”

“Ooh, scandalous! What was involved?”

“The surface of a very large desk.” Heat licks between my legs remembering it all. “I didn’t mean to. But he was all grumpy, and then he confessed that the dude-bros said he’s not supposed to sleep with me anymore, so I had to meet that challenge.”

“Whaaaat? Oh damn, I think he really likes you.”

“Well, he can’t,” I say firmly, pacing in front of the Italian restaurant. “I’ve already thought this through. There’s only one way this can go, as I told him when he brought the coffee.”

“And what way is that?” I hear Aubrey bracing against whatever she’s expecting to come out of my mouth.

“It has to stay in fantasy-land.”

“Excuse me?”

“The screwing the boss fantasy. Or screwing the secretary for him.”

There’s a businessman who must also be waiting for his to-go order standing nearby. He looks over like I’ve caught his attention. I ignore him.

“Mads, I’m sure this all makes perfect sense in your head, but I’m not following.”

“It can’t go beyond that.”


“Because I already got too close to him over Thanksgiving. I met his mom and his niece and nephew, and Aubrey, he is an adorable uncle. Seeing him with kids made my ovaries ache.”

“And you don’t want to want him.” Aubrey finally catches on.

“Exactly.” I throw my hand in the air.

The businessman looks over again.

“Also”--I turn my back on the businessman and walk away, hunching over to speak more privately– “Things are super hot right now, and part of what makes it hot is the fact that he’s the boss.”

“Ah, that’s the fantasy you mentioned.” I strain to hear Aubrey over the noise of a rowdy party of four exiting the restaurant.