I bring my thumb back to that sensitive nubbin at the apex of her sex and give it a rough rub as I jackhammer into her.

She screams behind her palm, hips jacking up off the desk. Even though I want to go on forever like this with her, I can’t. Not when her hot flesh seizes around my cock.

I growl, eyes rolling up to my brows as my climax comes on like a bullet train. I slap against her ass with my loins driving to the finish. Heat makes me want to shred out of my suit like a werewolf caught in a shift before he can undress. I slam in deep and come, my thighs jerking against the desk, my thumb still rubbing her swollen clit. She comes some more, even harder this time, her internal muscles spasming around my dick, dragging me halfway to heaven.

I take a moment to breathe. Let the tilting floor right itself. My vision returns to normal.

I grab a couple tissues from the box on my desk and use them to clean us both.

Madison sits, a lovely flush making her skin glow.

I purposely play the part of the dick, since that’s what she seems to want. “I need the paperwork from the Adirondack purchase on my desk in five. Tell Noah I need to see him at nine thirty, and let HR know about your salary increase.”

Her eyes flick down in an uncharacteristic gesture before they return to my face. “Actually, I’ve reconsidered my salary request.” Her voice is polite and businesslike as always. “It was excessive and made in a moment of anger.”

I study her, trying to understand her change of heart on this one. I did notice she didn’t seem glad when she won the negotiation. Perhaps she doesn’t feel she truly earned it.

She slides her butt toward the edge of the desk, but I don’t move to let her hop down. “Besides, I don’t want people thinking I got it because I’m screwing the boss.”

I narrow my eyes, not liking the way this is going. “Am I paying you for sex, Madison?”

“No.” She says it so immediately that I believe her. Her flush deepens. “That’s what I mean. I don’t want it to feel that way.”

“You negotiated a salary I’m willing to pay.” I step back, so she can stand while we discuss her livelihood. “There’s no reason to back down from that.”

“No, I’m good.” She hops down and straightens her dress. “I already have that paperwork ready for you.”

Of course she does.

I walk around to sit behind my desk, glorying in the fact that it’s now covered in her scent. That she’s covered in mine.

I didn’t like that hint of defeat around her with the salary thing, though. Madison is the type of person who likes to win. For whatever reason, I enjoy watching her win, even against me. So her backing down doesn’t feel right.

But I understand her concern. Genevieve, my HR Director, would’ve shit a brick at the new salary, which is close to her own.

I pick up the office phone and call Genevieve.

She answers smoothly. “Good morning, Mr. Blackthroat. What can I do for you?”

“Send a fifty thousand dollar bonus to my assistant, Madison, payable today.”

Genevieve chokes and sputters a little. “A-absolutely, sir.”

I ordinarily wouldn’t bother to explain myself, but since Madison is sensitive to people thinking she got a raise because I got into her panties, I say, “She gave up her Thanksgiving holiday and risked her life to make sure an important deal closed, and I want her properly rewarded.”

“That’s…um. Okay. Yes, absolutely. I’m sorry I couldn’t give her your executive team’s personal phone numbers on Wednesday, but I did try to reach them personally.”

Ah. Part of me wants to rip her a new one for blocking Madison from getting things done, but Genevieve was just doing her job. Protecting the personal information of my team is important. “You did the right thing. Madison just went above and beyond.” I hang up, so I don’t have to hear whatever simpering reply she has.

Madison taps on the door and walks in with a sheaf of papers. “Here are the closing documents. Noah will be here, as requested.”

“Thank you, Madison.” Our eyes meet as I take the papers, and she sucks in a breath, as if the contact shocked her. Or maybe it was just my thanks. It’s hard not to be grateful after she just offered her hot little body up to me like that.

Even if she is a hard-to-decode human with a smart mouth and a reluctance to get personal.

Not that I was trying to get personal.

Not at all.