Noah nods and says something odd– “Always.” Not no problem or you’re welcome. Not even of course. He says it like a vow, like his job is to protect his alpha’s female, and that’s when I realize something else.

Noah already knew about Brick’s feelings for the secretary. They shared a glance in that exchange that said what happened was meaningful on both sides.

That means any wolf here might know. If it got back to the Adalwulfs, it would be disastrous. I also hate seeing my alpha weakened like this.

We, as his pack brothers, should have insisted more on getting him out to find his fated mate. We should be traveling the world, arranging meetings with every pack princess to find the one female who will trigger the claiming instinct in him.

He’s been too focused on growing this company since we left college. On his need and drive to surpass everything Adalwulf Associates is, everything they took from our pack when they murdered Brick’s father.

Now he’s ensnared by his secretary–a fucking human. It’s absurd and totally beneath him. Worse–he allowed her to stay overnight at his home–on pack land–and used her to satisfy his sexual needs.

I close my laptop. It’s already three o’clock, and we’ve been in here for hours. I doubt we’ll get much more done with the mood Brick’s in. “Should we break for the day?”

Brick’s still fuming. He glares darkly at Madison’s cleavage a moment before he says, “Yes.”

Everyone moves at once, like he’s the teacher who just released the class, the pent-up tension in the room propelling us out of our chairs and into the elevator. Once I’m inside, I text a team of private investigators I have on standby. They’re already on the hunt for every bit of information there is to be had on Madison Evans. We have a few suspicious phone calls to her work phone that might have come from the Adalwulf building, but that’s not enough to bring her down. I tell the team to have someone following her at all times, too.

I’ll prove she’s up to no good. In a choice between his pack or a measly human, Brick will make the right call.

And he’ll get rid of her once and for all.

* * *


“The Benson deal is close to closing. I want everyone in the legal department in the conference room in five minutes,” I snarl through the intercom Wednesday morning.

“They’re already on their way,” Madison replies calmly. “And your executive team is here.”

I’ve been a holy terror for three days now.

I barely sleep at night. I have to fly back to the Berkshires to run after work and go to the gym in the mornings, but nothing takes the edge off.

Billy and Nickel walk into my office, and Billy surveys me with narrowed eyes.

I rise to my feet, sending my rolling chair backward to hit the bookcase behind my desk. “Don’t enter my office without knocking.” I blast them both with enough alpha command to make them freeze in their tracks.

“Sorry, Alpha,” Billy mutters. “I thought the secre–Madison–told you we were coming in.”

Neither of them say a word about the fact that Madison Evans is still in my employ, despite the fact that I said I’d get rid of her.

I can’t do it.

It’s simply not possible.

I need a steady hit of her scent. Need to see the swish of those hips and the tease of her skin. Getting rid of her is the right move–the only move for my pack–but it doesn’t work for me.

I need her here at the office. That’s what I keep telling myself. It’s about business. She’s the best damn assistant I’ve ever had.

My wolf is confused and thinks she’s my mate. I can control that urge.

It would be easier if we hadn’t decided to keep things professional, though.

“I’ll meet you in the conference room.”

I’ve avoided a private conversation with my executive team all week. Just the sight of them makes me want to throw something. I stride past Billy and Nickel and head to the conference room with them trailing me.

Eagle is already there, directing the in-house legal team.