Page 115 of Courage to Love Again

We were currently twenty weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl. It came as a shock when we first found out Pasha was expecting. She cried. She said she wasn’t ready. She was terrified of losing another child. But as her belly began to grow, she fell in love. She forced the feelings of fear and doubt away and embraced the blessing growing inside her. We were having a baby, and we couldn’t be any more excited about that.

“Congratulations, Mommy,” I said, pecking her lips.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

We shared a passionate kiss right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the crowd. It wasn’t until our families made their way over that our lips parted.

“All right now,” Bella said, smirking. “That’s how we got this one. Hey, TiTi’s sugar pie!” She stooped to kiss Pasha’s belly before pulling her into a hug. “I’m so proud of you!”

“Thank you.”

Everybody else made their rounds, hugging, kissing, and congratulating my baby. I gripped the box in my pocket, waiting for the moment they were all done. I’d been waiting so long to ask her this question, and I prayed she was ready to say yes. She’d been a free woman for less than a year, but I knew in my heart that she was meant to be mine. I couldn’t let another moment pass without asking her officially to do so.

“Baby?” I said softly.

She turned to me, studying my face. “Is everything okay?”

I smiled. “Everything is perfect. I wanted to ask you something.”

Pulling the ring from my pocket, I dropped down on one knee. Her eyes widened, and her hand flew to her chest.


I took her free hand in mine.

“Pasha LeAnn Brooks.... I love you. I think I was destined to love you from the moment I laid eyes on you. You are the embodiment of strength, resilience, and perseverance. Life took so much from you, yet you are still here, standing tall. I’ve watched you overcome every obstacle and jump over every hurdle. When people tried to count you out, you made a liar out of them. I’m so, so proud of the woman you’ve become and so in love with the woman and mother you will be. I know it hasn’t been long, but, baby, I can’t see me being with anybody but you. I love you with all my heart and soul. If you do me the honor of becoming my wife, I promise to spend the rest of my life making you and our daughter as happy as possible. Will you marry me, Pasha?”

I opened the ring box and presented her with the three-carat, princess-cut diamond ring. Again, her eyes widened. She looked around at our family and friends, who eagerly nodded. A crowd of spectators watched in adoration.

“Yes,...” she whispered, nodding. “Yes.”

I slipped the ring from the box and onto her finger. The moment I stood, she threw herself into my arms and crashed her lips into mine. Cheers and claps erupted around us. When she pulled away, she playfully slapped my chest.

I chuckled. “What was that for?”

“You couldn’t let me make it through the day before you made me mess up my makeup!”

I laughed out loud as I pulled her in close and whispered in her ear. “By the end of the night, it was going to be ruined anyway.”

“All right, nasty!” Avyn said with her bionic ears.

We shared a laugh. Pasha and I shared yet another kiss. “How about we go grab something to eat? I’m sure both of my babies are hungry.”

She smiled. “You read our mind.”

Hand in hand, we left the building with our family in tow. This was the end of yet another journey, but the beginning of something beautiful.



Five Months Later

Mikalya Jordan Ellis.

My beautiful baby girl came into the world screaming at eight pounds, seven ounces. She was named after her father and her big brother. The moment the doctor placed her in my arms was the second time I knew real, unconditional love. The chubby, brown-eyed baby with a headful of jet-black curls was the spitting image of her daddy.

I would have laughed if someone had told me a year and a half ago that I would be where I am today. I’d come out of a bad marriage. I was drowning in grief and depression. I had nothing to live for. Then God sent me an angel named Callum. He healed my broken heart. He restored my belief in love and gave me the courage to love again after being so broken.