“Are you that eager for my stinger again, tiny scorpion? Use your mouth, then. I enjoyed it last time. I’ll enjoy it just as much this time, too.”

Something deep within my soul snaps. Miserable tears pour down my cheeks and sobs wrench through my chest. More vulnerable than ever before, I have nothing to protect myself from his cruelty. I cover my face to block out the world and find myself cocooned in hard, warm muscles.

Maybe if he had beaten me or struck my father, I could cling to my hatred, but the mixed signals destroyed my defenses.

Downy soft hairs tickle my side and a soothing vibration eases my angst.

“Hush, Vynn. Breathe.”

It hurts. I miss my parents. I want to see them, but abhor the thought of them witnessing my downfall. They can’t help me. I can’t win against this heartless male. I’m untethered. Broken. Lost.

“You’re okay. Deep breaths.”

A manic laugh bursts from my chest.

“I’m not okay. I can’t do this. I—”

He steals my thoughts with a demanding kiss, spearing his tongue past my teeth and coaxing me into the hottest, most erotic dueling of teeth and tongues, and I stare in shock as we share heaving breaths with our faces an inch apart. The yearning in his eyes as he studies my lips makes every nerve in my body tingle. Unlike the outpouring of slick when a cramp hits me, the slow rush of desire travels outward from my core.

“You don’t have a choice, tiny scorpion. You can’t stop now. Keep fighting,” he murmurs, but his voice lacks its usual cold, angry edge.

Agony lances through my stomach.

“I adore your ferocity and resilience. Don’t break now,” he demands.

“It’s not supposed to be like this. I don’t want—”

The world spins and I tumble into softness as he drops me into the middle of my half-built nest. A freshly scented pillow bounces off my head. I snatch it up before it rolls out of reach.

Another pillow follows the first. I can’t resist burying my face in the delicious smell.

My alpha provokes my instincts by sinking his hand into the pile nearest him. When he threatens to destroy my nest, I snarl and swipe clawed fingers at his forearm. He backs away and continues providing me with new items.

Smoothing a sheet over the top of my masterpiece, I settle in the center and purr in delight.

Fingers wrap around my ankle in an unbreakable grip.

“Invite me in, tiny scorpion,” Alpha Fore demands.

I dig the heel of my other foot into his forearm. His snarl precedes his wide shoulders as he forces his way into my nest.

Our nest, my omega self corrects.

I snarl and push him away. He wraps a hand around my throat and pins me onto my back. Pain rips through my stomach and slick gushes over my legs.

He wedges his broad shoulders between my thighs. His elbow digs into my hipbone as he tightens his grip on my throat and dips closer. The scorching wet heat of his mouth closes over my entire sex.

Need barrels through me. He flicks the tip of his tongue over my hard clit. Electricity shoots from my core and sizzles through my nerve endings. I gasp and writhe, trapped between wanting to escape and needing more. He doesn’t give me an option, licking, sucking, and nipping at my pussy until feral lust takes over.

His hard body settles over mine, and I taste myself on his tongue as he invades my mouth. Hot, demanding desire roars through me, and the universe ceases to exist beyond the overwhelming sights, smells, sounds, and sensations created by my alpha. He becomes my entire world, stripping away all thoughts and exposing my innermost being.

The hard length of his shaft glides through my wetness. I buck and wriggle. He makes a guttural sound and flexes his hips again, running the entire underside of his cock—from his tip to the bottom bulge of his partially inflated knot—through my folds, mashing my clit and electrifying every nerve in my body.

I scratch and fight, pulling and pushing in undecided frenzy, and lose another piece of myself as the metallic tang of blood fills the air. Sticky warmth cakes under my nails.

Hard hands gather my wrists and pin them above my head. Teeth nip my bottom lip and leave a trail of stinging kisses along my jaw and ear.

He fits the broad, smooth tip of his cock to my entrance. I hiss. He growls and tilts his hips. Slick spurts around his shallow invasion.