I wrench the weakened metal apart, peeling the rusty edges with ease.

“Now, omma!”

I duck through the jagged opening, wedging one shoulder through, and snarl as the tiny omega’s voice sends an electrical charge through my veins. I glance toward them and snarl again.

Sera reaches under her pillow and pulls out a small black square. Alarm spears through me as her daughter drops onto the bed, covering her mother with her body.

Sera flicks the switch on the device and hides her face with her hands. Whirring sounds from the dilapidated generator beside me.

I push into the room before the machine explodes. Pain lances up my leg as fragments of metal embed into my calf. White-hot agony cuts through my chest and back as the edges of the wall shred my clothing and flesh.

Sera’s daughter hisses in pain and shifts to block the shrapnel as a second, larger explosion rips through the generator. Chunks of debris punch holes through the wall and sink into the hull above the females. I roll to the side, evading the worst of the blast, and dart across the room toward them.

The pile of filth scatters as I yank both females across the floor to the far corner and shield them from the fallout with my body.

Exotic spices invade my nostrils as the daughter’s hair clings to my face. The curve of her ass presses against my lower abdomen, and the urge to squeeze and explore rides me hard. Even harder is my cock as she wriggles underneath me, pinned between her traitorous mother and my bulk.

Chips of ceiling patter onto my back. The walls and deck vibrate harder as those in the pits above stampede toward safety. Their screams echo through the ship.

My ship.

I’ll kill Ru for damaging what’s mine.

His daughter struggles underneath me. Dark thoughts race through my mind, and I decide on a much more satisfying outcome than his death.

I’ll take what he longs to protect and make her mine. I’ll desecrate and defile his innocent treasure. Steal and hurt what he holds most precious. I’ll warp and mold her to my will until her devotion for him crumbles to dust.

The tiny, curvy female on the verge of her first heat doesn’t stand a chance.

I no longer yearn for Sera. She’ll be nothing but a lure to bring Ru into my clutches.

His daughter, though? His daughter will be mine. My omega. My plaything. My revenge.

The worst of the danger passes. I lift most of my weight off them so they don’t suffocate, but remain on top of the feisty female. In her fight for freedom, she pivots her legs toward the center of the room and her head toward the corner. She brackets her mother’s head and shoulders with her forearms and braces her entire body as though she could prevent me from harming her dame.

I chuckle, enjoying the way she stiffens under me, and sink my fingers into her hair. She hisses when I yank her head back. The challenge in her glare as she looks over her shoulder incites the beast within me.

“You can’t escape me, tiny one. You’ll pay your father’s debt any way I please, whether you want to or not,” I growl into her ear.

Her lips twitch in hatred before tilting in a lopsided grin.

White-hot agony pierces my hip as she kicks backward and stabs me with the blade hidden in the heel of her boot.

Fury roars through me, erasing the pain. I grab her ankle, yank her off her mother, twist her onto her back, and pin her to the floor by her neck. It would be so easy to crush the delicate column of flesh.

“You’ll wish you hadn’t done that, tiny scorpion,” I promise.

Her pupils shrink in fear as she wraps both hands around my wrist and tries to tug my hand away from her throat. I tighten my grip just enough to make my message clear before relaxing my fingers.

She swallows. I bite back a groan and resist the urge to thrust my hardness against her.

Three of my men filter into the room. I motion for the larger-than-average beta to take Sera.

“No! Don’t touch her!”

The desperate anger in my tiny scorpion’s voice amuses me. I squeeze and growl in warning. She wriggles.

I grind my hard cock into her soft belly.