Page 99 of The Rival

And maybe this was the real life lesson for her. That she couldn’t plan everything.

That she couldn’t control everything.

Levi made her lose her temper in a way she hadn’t since she was a kid.

And he made her lose her head in a way she never had.

She wanted him.

She wanted to explore desire with him.

That was normal. And it didn’t have to be a huge deal. They had a working relationship, and they had already gone through being bitter and toxic at each other. So she wasn’t even really afraid of that.

They hadn’t even liked each other yesterday morning.

So what was there to fear in terms of what would become of them? Nothing, as far as she was concerned.

It was sort of a no-risk thing.

And there was already a deadline.

When the front door opened and closed, she froze. She heard footsteps on the stairs, and her breath caught in her throat. She expected him to open the office door, but he didn’t. Instead, the footsteps went past her down the hall, and she heard a door open and close.

She waited.

Waited, and heard the sound of water running through pipes.

He was taking a shower. She was almost certain of it.

She swallowed hard, and asked herself if she was half as determined that she had always imagined she was.

She was.

She had spent all day thinking about him. Thinking about this.

It was a change. A shift. She hadn’t known it was what she wanted.

But she did now. Quinn had always been book-smart.

But maybe it was time she got a little bit street-smart.

She walked slowly down the hall, and listened for the sound of the water. She could hear it faintly through one of the doors. She opened it, and saw that it was the master bedroom. His room.

And with only a small amount of guilt, she paused at his nightstand and opened a drawer. And breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw a box of condoms there.

She grabbed a packet and took another step. Then she stopped and stared at it.

She’d seen condoms a lot of times. She’d gone to college. They were literally in giant bowls at the health center. They handed out massive bags of them if you went in for a sniffle.

Everybody wanted the college kids to be practicing safe sex. Quinn had been practicing the safest sex of all.


But she had never announced it. So she had amassed quite the collection of condoms, which she had gladly given to her roommates whenever they had a need.

And when she had lived in a small studio apartment by herself, she had simply donated them back to the condom bowl in the common areas of the school.

She had never once held one and looked at it with the intent of using it.