Page 93 of The Rival

“The easement is yours,” he said. “Because I do trust you, Quinn. Even if I don’t particularly like you all the time.”

He was lying. He did like her.

He liked her a whole lot.

She nodded slowly. “Right. Well. I appreciate it.”

“You have to finish working for me this week.”

“I will. And I’ll work on the papers, too... I...” And then she leaned forward, and curved her hand around the back of his neck, and kissed him. It was deep and lingering, and he returned it, desperate for more of her.

He wasn’t familiar with this feeling. With it feeling so necessary to have a particular woman.

To have her.

But he wanted her. Quinn Sullivan. Lord Almighty.

It was a different kind of want. Something that had more to do with the fire in his blood than the purely physical.

Something indescribable, incalculable.

And not just because he had difficulties with math.

But because it was part of a great universal mystery.


He’d never taken chemistry.

Maybe that was it.

Maybe she had.

Maybe she understood it better than he did. But when they parted, he could see by the confusion in her eyes that she didn’t.

“I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Yeah. All right.”

And tomorrow Camilla wouldn’t be here. Tomorrow, he would be back to the kind of freedom that he had always wanted.

Tomorrow, he would be alone with Quinn Sullivan.

And he already knew what was going to happen.

He didn’t say anything, though, and neither did she.

She gave him a slight smile, then moved away from him. “See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow. I’ll share my coffee with you, Quinn.”

She nodded.

And then she went back inside, closing the door behind her.

He leaned back against the house and let out a long, slow breath. He tried to walk himself slowly through all of this, every step of the way from the moment she had first appeared at his house to now, and he gave up. Because everything was just an explosion.

And he was going to keep on standing in the rubble.