Page 123 of The Rival

How strange. She had wanted to find this, this softness inside her, and hadn’t been able to. And now she didn’t know how to get rid of it.

She was honey. Gooey and sticky and soft, and utterly lost.

She couldn’t find pointy with anything she was.

She pulled up to the house and saw her sister Alaina’s car in the driveway.

Great. They were ganging up on her.

She sighed and walked up the front steps, into the quaint little house. Fia was seated at the kitchen table with a large cup of coffee. Rory was standing at the cheerful yellow stove with a ruffly apron on and was cooking pancakes. Alaina was standing next to the high chair, where the baby was, and was also wearing an apron, holding a bowl where she was macerating some strawberries.

“So there you are,” said Alaina. “We thought you might need some food to get your strength back up after the night you had.”

“I ate. Thank you. He made breakfast.”

They all stared at her.

“I’m not sure why you all think this is your business.”

“Because you...”

“Nothing,” she said. “I nothing. I was away at college for four years. None of you know what I did there. None of you had any idea when I stayed out all night.”

“Did you?”

This came from Fia, who looked entirely too sharp and perceptive.

“None of your business.”

“Okay, so let’s say that you led a wild life at college. You have not led a wild life since returning, and Levi Granger is our neighbor, and he’s eleven years older than you.”

Quinn snorted. “Suddenly, you know so much about Levi, when, before, you didn’t really seem to.”

“It’s convenient that way, sister brain.”

“I’m fine,” said Quinn. “I like him. I like him a lot.”

“Listen,” said Alaina. “We can all agree, he’s hot as shit.” Everybody looked at Alaina. “What? I’m married. I’m not dead. Also, my husband is more years older than me than that. So.”

“You,” said Fia, “got yourself in trouble...”

“I got myself in trouble? Is this the 1950s?”

“No, it was just different,” said Fia. “Gus made his intentions very clear. In fact, his whole intent was to marry you.”

“I know,” said Alaina. “And to never have sex with me. Because he’s an idiot. But thankfully, I brought him around to the idea.”

“Goodness,” said Rory.

“Oh, chill out, virgin,” said Alaina.

Rory frowned. “Rude.”

“I’m rude,” said Alaina, shrugging. “At least, sometimes. But my point is, it’s not really anybody’s business what Quinn is doing or with who. And it’s not fair to treat her like she’s a child just because he’s older. He’s hot, and it’s obvious why any woman would want to sleep with him regardless of age. She’s not a child.”

“Thank you,” said Quinn.

Even though she knew that Alaina being her advocate was dubious at best. Seeing as Alaina had made some questionable decisions along the road to happiness.